Part 4 (1/2)
The conductor replied with sarcasm, ” Maybe you think I'm stuck on it ” I ain't running the road. I'm running this train, and I run it according to orders.” Amid the dismal comforts of the waiting cars, Coleman felt all the profound misery of the rebuffed true lover. He had been sentenced, he thought, to a penal servitude of the heart, as he watched the dusky, vague ribbons of smoke come from the lamps and felt to his knees the cold winds from the brakemen's busy flights. When the train started with a whistle and a jolt, he was elate as if in his abjection his beloved's hand had reached to him from the clouds.
When he had arrived in New York, a cab rattled him to an uptown hotel with speed. In the restaurant he first ordered a large bottle of champagne. The last of the wine he finished in sombre mood like an unbroken and defiant man who chews the straw that litters his prison house. During his dinner he was continually sending out messenger boys. He was arranging a poker party. Through a window he watched the beautiful moving life of upper Broadway at night, with its crowds and clanging cable cars and its electric signs, mammoth and glittering, like the jewels of a giantess.
Word was brought to him that the poker players were arriving. He arose joyfully, leaving his cheese. In the broad hall, occupied mainly by miscellaneous people and actors, all deep in leather chairs, he found some of his friends waiting. They trooped up stairs to Coleman's rooms, where as a preliminary, Coleman began to hurl books and papers from the table to the floor. A boy came with drinks. Most of the men, in order to prepare for the game, removed their coats and cuffs and drew up the sleeves of their s.h.i.+rts. The electric globes shed a blinding light upon the table. The sound of clinking chips arose; the elected banker spun the cards, careless and dexterous.
Later, during a pause of dealing, Coleman said: ” Billie, what kind of a lad is that young up at Washurst?”
He addressed an old college friend.
” Oh, you mean the Soph.o.m.ore ” asked the friend.
” Seems a decent sort of a fellow. I don't know. Why? ”
”Well, who is he? Where does he come from? What do you know about him? ”
” He's one of those Ohio c.o.kes-regular thing-- father millionaire-used to be a barber-good old boy -why? ”
” Nothin',” said Coleman, looking at his cards. ” I know the lad. I thought he was a good deal of an a.s.s. I wondered who his people were.”
” Oh, his people are all right-in one way. Father owns rolling mills. Do you raise it, Henry? Well, in order to make vice abhorrent to the young, I'm obliged to raise back.”
” I'll see it,” observed Coleman, slowly pus.h.i.+ng forward two blue chips. Afterward he reached behind him and took another gla.s.s of wine.
To the others Coleman seemed to have something bitter upon his mind. He played poker quietly, steadfastly, and, without change of eye, following the mathematical religion of the game. Outside of the play he was savage, almost insupportable.
” What's the matter with you, Rufus ? ” said his old college friend. ” Lost your job? Girl gone back on you? You're a h.e.l.l of -a host. We don't get any. thing but insults and drinks.”
Late at night Coleman began to lose steadily. In the meantime he drank gla.s.s after gla.s.s of wine. Finally he made reckless bets on a mediocre hand and an opponent followed him thoughtfully bet by bet, undaunted, calm, absolutely without emotion. Coleman lost; he hurled down his cards. ”
n.o.body but a d.a.m.ned fool would have seen that last raise on anything less than a full hand.”
” Steady. Come off. What's wrong with you, Rufus ? ” cried his guests.
” You're not drunk, are you ? ” said his old college friend, puritanically.
” 'Drunk' ?” repeated Coleman.
” Oh, say,” cried a man, ” let's play cards. What's all this gabbling ? ”
It was when a grey, dirty light of dawn evaded the thick curtains and fought on the floor with the feebled electric glow that Coleman, in the midst of play, lurched his chest heavily upon the table. Some chips rattled to the floor. ” I'll call you,”
he murmured, sleepily.
” Well,” replied a man, sternly, ” three kings.”
The other players with difficulty extracted five cards from beneath Coleman's pillowed head. ” Not a pair! Come, come, this won't do. Oh, let's stop playing. This is the rottenest game I ever sat in. Let's go home. Why don't you put him. to bed, Billie?”
When Coleman awoke next morning, he looked back upon the poker game as something that had transpired in previous years. He dressed and went down to the grill-room. For his breakfast he ordered some eggs on toast and a pint of champagne. A privilege of liberty belonged to a certain Irish waiter, and this waiter looked at him, grinning. ”Maybe you had a pretty lively time last night, Mr Coleman? ”
” Yes, Pat,” answered Coleman, ” I did. It was all because of an unrequited affection, Patrick.” The man stood near, a napkin over his arm. Coleman went on impressively. ” The ways of the modern lover are strange. Now, I, Patrick, am a modern lover, and when, yesterday, the dagger of disappointment was driven deep into my heart, I immediately played poker as hard as I could and incidentally got loaded. This is the modern point of view. I understand on good authority that in old times lovers used to. languish. That is probably a lie, but at any rate we do not, in these times, languish to any great extent. We get drunk.
Do you understand, Patrick? ”