Chapter 20 (1/2)

I who came to the adventurers guild is having a talk in the back room.

[I am sarina of the adventurers guild astromelia branch, pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Kouya ]

Saying so, the receptionist introduced herself. I also took that time to observe her calmly. From underneath her long blond hair, a pointed ear peeped out. This girl is she…

[Aa, yes, from looking at my ears you probably thought I was an elf, and that is correct]

I think she noticed my glance

[Elf, it’s my first time seeing one]

[The elves are definitely few in this neighborhood]

On this continent, it can be separated into four races. The human, Elf, Dwarf and the demons.

If it were to be put into order of population it would be Human, demon, dwarf and then Elf

It is because of that I have not seen any elves in town, although I have not seen any demons either. I do not know the details well but the demons seem to live in the far eastern regions of the continent.

[Well then Mr. Kouya, shall we continue in the explanation of the adventurers?]

Sarina seems to talk frankly with everyone.

Adventurers seem to be a generic name for temp workers, they cover monster suppression, merchant guard, carpentry and even being the errand boy.

I somewhat think it’s a job that you can’t dream in, but there seems to be many people who will give preferential treatment to strong adventurers of high rank.

But the danger to your life also increases by rank.

[10,000 G is required to join the guild but in exchange you get an adventure card which can be used conveniently to deposit money and purchase goods at multiple places]

If a store registers with the commercial guild it also seems they can accept cash payments instead of dealing with large amounts of coin.

The adventurers guild seems to guarantee the security of the gold deposited, which is by all means a convenient thing.

Perhaps I might only register so I can obtain that card.

[How ever, if the card is ever lost 50,000G is required for reissue, so pay attention to the handling]

It may be my imagination, but this card seems to be bait to gather adventurers.

Well it is only 10,000G it seems advantageous to get such a convenient item.

Afterwards the explanation of adventurers continued

The one point that pulled my attention was the ranks. The ranks were divided into five. In order from the bottom, novice, p.a.w.n, knight, bishop and then rook