Part 156 (1/2)
RANDAL (taking aside the parson).--”He was anxious to get back to Mrs.
Hazeldean, who was naturally very uneasy about her son and this foolish marriage; but I am happy to tell you that that marriage is effectually and permanently broken off.”
MR. DALE.--”How, how? My poor friend told me he had wholly failed to make any impression on Frank,--forbade me to mention the subject. I was just going to see Frank myself. I always had some influence with him.
But, Mr. Leslie, explain this very sudden and happy event. The marriage broken off!”
RANDAL.--”It is a long story, and I dare not tell you my humble share in it. Nay, I must keep that secret. Frank might not forgive me. Suffice it that you have my word that the fair Italian has left England, and decidedly refused Frank's addresses. But stay, take my advice, don't go to him; you see it was not only the marriage that has offended the squire, but some pecuniary transactions,--an unfortunate post-obit bond on the Casino property. Frank ought to be left to his own repentant reflections. They will be most salutary; you know his temper,--he don't bear reproof; and yet it is better, on the other hand, not to let him treat too lightly what has pa.s.sed. Let us leave him to himself for a few days He is in an excellent frame of mind.”
MR. DALE (shaking Randal's hand warmly).--”You speak admirably--a post-obit!--so often as he has heard his father's opinion on such transactions. No, I will not see him; I should be too angry--”
RANDAL (leading the parson back, resumes, after an exchange of salutations with Avenel, who, meanwhile, had been conferring with his nephew).--”You should not be so long away from your rectory, Mr. Dale.
What will your parish do without you?”
MR. DALE.--”The old fable of the wheel and the fly. I am afraid the wheel rolls on the same. But if I am absent from my parish, I am still in the company of one who does me honour as an old paris.h.i.+oner. You remember Leonard Fairfield, your antagonist in the Battle of the Stocks?”
MR. AVENEL.--”My nephew, I am proud to say, sir.” Randal bowed with marked civility, Leonard with a reserve no less marked.
MR. AVENEL (ascribing his nephew's reserve to shyness).--”You should be friends, you two youngsters. Who knows but you may run together in the same harness? Ah, that reminds me, Leslie, I have a word or two to say to you. Your servant, Mr. Dale. Shall be happy to present you to Mrs. Avenel. My card,--Eaton Square, Number --. You will call on me to-morrow, Leonard. And mind, I shall be very angry if you persist in your refusal. Such an opening!” Avenel took Randal's arm, while the parson and Leonard walked on.
”Any fresh hints as to Lansmere?” asked Randal.
”Yes; I have now decided on the plan of contest. You must fight two and two,--you and Egerton against me and (if I can get him to stand, as I hope) my nephew, Leonard.”
”What!” said Randal, alarmed; ”then, after all, I can hope for no support from you?”
”I don't say that; but I have reason to think Lord L'Estrange will bestir himself actively in favour of Egerton. If so, it will be a very sharp contest; and I must manage the whole election on our side, and unite all our shaky votes, which I can best do by standing myself in the first instance, reserving it to after consideration whether I shall throw up at the last; for I don't particularly want to come in, as I did a little time ago, before I had found out my nephew. Wonderful young man! with such a head,--will do me credit in the rotten old House; and I think I had best leave London, go to Screwstown, and look to my business. No, if Leonard stand, I roust first see to get him in; and next, to keep Egerton out. It will probably, therefore, end in the return of one and one or either side, as we thought of before,--Leonard on our side; and Egerton sha'n't be the man on the other. You understand?”
”I do, my dear Avenel. Of course, as I before said, I can't dictate to your party whom they should prefer,--Egerton or myself. And it will be obvious to the public that your party would rather defeat so eminent an adversary as Mr. Egerton than a tyro in politics like me. Of course I cannot scheme for such a result; it would be misconstrued, and damage my character. But I rely equally on your friendly promise.”
”Promise! No, I don't promise. I must first see how the cat jumps; and I don't know yet how our friends may like you, nor how they can be managed. All I can say is, that Audley Egerton sha'n't be M.P. for Lansmere. Meanwhile, you will take care not to commit yourself in speaking so that our party can't vote for you consistently; they must count on having you--when you get into the House.”
”I am not a violent party-man at present,” answered Randal, prudently.
”And if public opinion prove on your side, it is the duty of a statesman to go with the times.”
”Very sensibly said; and I have a private bill or two, and some other little jobs, I want to get through the House, which we can discuss later, should it come to a frank understanding between us. We must arrange how to meet privately at Lansmere, if necessary. I'll see to that. I shall go down this week. I think of taking a hint from the free and glorious land of America, and establis.h.i.+ng secret caucuses. Nothing like 'em.”
”Small sub-committees that spy on their men night and day, and don't suffer them to be intimidated to vote the other way.”
”You have an extraordinary head for public affairs, Avenel. You should come into parliament yourself; your nephew is so very young.”
”So are you.”
”Yes; but I know the world. Does he?”
”The world knows him, though not by name, and he has been the making of me.”
”How? You surprise me.”