Part 106 (1/2)

Satisfied so far, and knowing that it was not in Riecabocca's habits to read the newspapers, by which he might otherwise have learned of L'Estrange's arrival in London, Randal then proceeded to inquire, with much seeming interest, into the health of Violante,--hoped it did not suffer by confinement, etc. Riccabocca eyed him gravely while he spoke, and then suddenly rising, that air of dignity to which I have before referred became yet more striking.

”My young friend,” said he, ”hear me attentively, and answer me frankly.

I know human nature--” Here a slight smile of proud complacency pa.s.sed the sage's lips, and his eye glanced towards his Machiavelli.

”I know human nature,--at least I have studied it,” he renewed more earnestly, and with less evident self-conceit; ”and I believe that when a perfect stranger to me exhibits an interest in my affairs, which occasions him no small trouble,--an interest,” continued the wise man, laying his hand on Randal's shoulder, ”which scarcely a son could exceed, he must be under the influence of some strong personal motive.”

”Oh, sir!” cried Randal, turning a shade more pale, and with a faltering tone. Riccabocca, surveyed him with the tenderness of a superior being, and pursued his deductive theories.

”In your case, what is that motive? Not political; for I conclude you share the opinions of your government, and those opinions have not favoured mine. Not that of pecuniary or ambitious calculations; for how can such calculations enlist you on behalf of a ruined exile? What remains? Why, the motive which at your age is ever the most natural and the strongest. I don't blame you. Machiavelli himself allows that such a motive has swayed the wisest minds, and overturned the most solid States. In a word, young man, you are in love, and with my daughter Violante.”

Randal was so startled by this direct and unexpected charge upon his own masked batteries, that he did not even attempt his defence. His head drooped on his breast, and he remained speechless.

”I do not doubt,” resumed the penetrating judge of human nature, ”that you would have been withheld by the laudable and generous scruples which characterize your happy age, from voluntarily disclosing to me the state of your heart. You might suppose that, proud of the position I once held, or sanguine in the hope of regaining my inheritance, I might be over-ambitious in my matrimonial views for Violante; or that you, antic.i.p.ating my restoration to honours and fortune, might seem actuated by the last motives which influence love and youth; and, therefore, my dear young friend, I have departed from the ordinary custom in England, and adopted a very common one in my own country. With us, a suitor seldom presents himself till he is a.s.sured of the consent of a father.

I have only to say this,--if I am right, and you love my daughter, my first object in life is to see her safe and secure; and, in a word--you understand me.”

Now, mightily may it comfort and console us ordinary mortals, who advance no pretence to superior wisdom and ability, to see the huge mistakes made by both these very sagacious personages,--Dr. Riccabocca, valuing himself on his profound acquaintance with character, and Randal Leslie, accustomed to grope into every hole and corner of thought and action, wherefrom to extract that knowledge which is power! For whereas the sage, judging not only by his own heart in youth, but by the general influence of the master pa.s.sion on the young, had ascribed to Randal sentiments wholly foreign to that able diplomatist's nature, so no sooner had Riccabocca brought his speech to a close, than Randal, judging also by his own heart, and by the general laws which influence men of the mature age and boasted worldly wisdom of the pupil of Machiavelli, instantly decided that Riccabocca presumed upon his youth and inexperience, and meant most nefariously to take him in.

”The poor youth!” thought Riccabocca, ”how unprepared he is for the happiness I give him!”

”The cunning old Jesuit!” thought Randal; ”he has certainly learned, since we met last, that he has no chance of regaining his patrimony, and so he wants to impose on me the hand of a girl without a s.h.i.+lling.

What other motive can he possibly have? Had his daughter the remotest probability of becoming the greatest heiress in Italy, would he dream of bestowing her on me in this off-hand way? The thing stands to reason.”

Actuated by his resentment at the trap thus laid for him, Randal was about to disclaim altogether the disinterested and absurd affection laid to his charge, when it occurred to him that, by so doing, he might mortally offend the Italian, since the cunning never forgive those who refuse to be duped by them,--and it might still be conducive to his interest to preserve intimate and familiar terms with Riccabocca; therefore, subduing his first impulse, he exclaimed,

”Oh, too generous man! pardon me if I have so long been unable to express my amaze, my grat.i.tude; but I cannot--no, I cannot, while your prospects remain thus uncertain, avail myself of your--of your inconsiderate magnanimity. Your rare conduct can only redouble my own scruples, if you, as I firmly hope and believe, are restored to your great possessions--you would naturally look so much higher than me.

Should these hopes fail, then, indeed, it may be different; yet even then, what position, what fortune, have I to offer to your daughter worthy of her?”

”You are well born! all gentlemen are equals,” said Riccabocca, with a sort of easy n.o.bleness. ”You have youth, information, talent,--sources of certain wealth in this happy country,--powerful connections; and, in fine, if you are satisfied with marrying for love, I shall be contented; if not, speak openly. As to the restoration to my possessions, I can scarcely think that probable while my enemy lives. And even in that case, since I saw you last, something has occurred,” added Riccabocca, with a strange smile, which seemed to Randal singularly sinister and malignant, ”that may remove all difficulties. Meanwhile, do not think me so extravagantly magnanimous; do not underrate the satisfaction I must feel at knowing Violante safe from the designs of Peschiera,--safe, and forever, under a husband's roof. I will tell you an Italian proverb,--it contains a truth full of wisdom and terror,

”'Hai cinquanta Amici?--non basta. Hai un Nemico?--e troppo.'” [”Have you fifty friends?--it is not enough. Have you one enemy?--it is too much.”]

”Something has occurred!” echoed Randal, not heeding the conclusion of this speech, and scarcely hearing the proverb, which the sage delivered in his most emphatic and tragic tone. ”Something has occurred! My dear friend, be plainer. What has occurred?” Riccabocca remained silent.

”Something that induces you to bestow your daughter on me?” Riccabocca nodded, and emitted a low chuckle.

”The very laugh of a fiend,” muttered Randal. ”Something that makes her not worth bestowing. He betrays himself. Cunning people always do.”

”Pardon me,” said the Italian, at last, ”if I don't answer your question; you will know later; but at present this is a family secret.

And now I must turn to another and more alarming cause for my frankness to you.” Here Riccabocca's face changed, and a.s.sumed an expression of mingled rage and fear. ”You must know,” he added, sinking his voice, ”that Giacomo has seen a strange person loitering about the house, and looking up at the windows; and he has no doubt--nor have I--that this is some spy or emissary of Peschiera's.”

”Impossible; how could he discover you?”

”I know not; but no one else has any interest in doing so. The man kept at a distance, and Giacomo could not see his face.”

”It may be but a mere idler. Is this all?”