Part 90 (1/2)
”I did not expect you, dear Randal; you always come so suddenly, and catch us en dish-a-bill.”
”Dish-a-bill!” echoed Randal, with a groan. ”Dishabille! you ought never to be so caught!”
”No one else does so catch us,--n.o.body else ever comes. Heigho!” and the young lady sighed very heartily. ”Patience, patience; my day is coming, and then yours, my sister,” replied Randal, with genuine pity, as he gazed upon what a little care could have trained into so fair a flower, and what now looked so like a weed.
Here Mrs. Leslie, in a state of intense excitement--having rushed through the parlour, leaving a fragment of her gown between the yawning bra.s.s of the never-mended Brummagem work-table--tore across the hall, whirled out of the door, scattering the chickens to the right and left, and clutched hold of Randal in her motherly embrace. ”La, how you do shake my nerves,” she cried, after giving him a most hasty and uncomfortable kiss. ”And you are hungry too, and nothing in the house but cold mutton! Jenny, Jenny, I say, Jenny! Juliet, have you seen Jenny? Where's Jenny? Out with the odd man, I'll be bound.”
”I am not hungry, Mother,” said Randal; ”I wish for nothing but tea.”
Juliet, scrambling up her hair, darted into the house to prepare the tea, and also to ”tidy herself.” She dearly loved her fine brother, but she was greatly in awe of him.
Randal seated himself on the broken pales. ”Take care they don't come down,” said Mr. Leslie, with some anxiety.
”Oh, Sir, I am very light; nothing comes down with me.” The pigs stared up, and grunted in amaze at the stranger. ”Mother,” said the young man, detaining Mrs. Leslie, who wanted to set off in chase of Jenny, ”Mother, you should not let Oliver a.s.sociate with those village boors. It is time to think of a profession for him.”
”Oh, he eats us out of house and home--such an appet.i.te! But as to a profession, what is he fit for? He will never be a scholar.”
Randal nodded a moody a.s.sent; for, indeed, Oliver had been sent to Cambridge, and supported there out of Randal's income from his official pay; and Oliver had been plucked for his Little Go.
”There is the army,” said the elder brother,--”a gentleman's calling.
How handsome Juliet ought to be--but--I left money for masters--and she p.r.o.nounces French like a chambermaid.”
”Yet she is fond of her book too. She's always reading, and good for nothing else.”
”Reading! those trashy novels!”
”So like you,--you always come to scold, and make things unpleasant,”
said Mrs. Leslie, peevishly. ”You are grown too fine for us, and I am sure we suffer affronts enough from others, not to want a little respect from our own children.”
”I did not mean to affront you,” said Randal, sadly. ”Pardon me. But who else has done so?”
Then Mrs. Leslie went into a minute and most irritating catalogue of all the mortifications and insults she had received; the grievances of a petty provincial family, with much pretension and small power,--of all people, indeed, without the disposition to please--without the ability to serve--who exaggerate every offence, and are thankful for no kindness. Farmer Jones had insolently refused to send his wagon twenty miles for coals. Mr. Giles, the butcher, requesting the payment of his bill, had stated that the custom at Rood was too small for him to allow credit. Squire Thornhill, who was the present owner of the fairest slice of the old Leslie domains, had taken the liberty to ask permission to shoot over Mr. Leslie's land, since Mr. Leslie did not preserve. Lady Spratt (new people from the city, who hired a neighbouring country-seat) had taken a discharged servant of Mrs. Leslie's without applying for the character. The Lord-Lieutenant had given a ball, and had not invited the Leslies. Mr. Leslie's tenants had voted against their landlord's wish at the recent election. More than all, Squire Hazeldean and his Harry had called at Rood, and though Mrs. Leslie had screamed out to Jenny, ”Not at home,” she had been seen at the window, and the squire had actually forced his way in, and caught the whole family ”in a state not fit to be seen.” That was a trifle, but the squire had presumed to instruct Mr.
Leslie how to manage his property, and Mrs. Hazeldean had actually told Juliet to hold up her head, and tie up her hair, ”as if we were her cottagers!” said Mrs. Leslie, with the pride of a Montfydget.
All these, and various other annoyances, though Randal was too sensible not to perceive their insignificance, still galled and mortified the listening heir of Rood. They showed, at least, even to the well-meant officiousness of the Hazeldeans, the small account in which the fallen family was held. As he sat still on the moss-grown pales, gloomy and taciturn, his mother standing beside him, with her cap awry, Mr. Leslie shamblingly sauntered up, and said in a pensive, dolorous whine,
”I wish we had a good sum of money, Randal, boy!”
To do Mr. Leslie justice, he seldom gave vent to any wish that savoured of avarice. His mind must be singularly aroused, to wander out of its normal limits of sluggish, dull content.
So Randal looked at him in surprise, and said, ”Do you, Sir?--why?”
”The manors of Rood and Dulmansberry, and all the lands therein, which my great-grandfather sold away, are to be sold again when Squire Thornhill's eldest son comes of age, to cut off the entail. Sir John Spratt talks of buying them. I should like to have them back again! 'T is a shame to see the Leslie estates hawked about, and bought by Spratts and people. I wish I had a great, great sum of ready money.” The poor gentleman extended his helpless fingers as he spoke, and fell into a dejected revery.
Randal sprang from the paling, a movement which frightened the contemplative pigs, and set them off squalling and scampering. ”When does young Thornhill come of age?”