Part 13 (1/2)
”Signoriuo Hazeldean, you are giving me what you refused yourself.”
”Eh?” said Frank, inquiringly.
”Oh--I--no; but they are well done: are n't they, sir?”--
”Not particularly: you speak to the artist.”
”What! you painted them?”
”And the pictures in the hall?”
”Those too.”
”Taken from nature, eh?”
”Nature,” said the Italian, sententiously, perhaps evasively, ”lets nothing be taken from her.”
”Oh!” said Frank, puzzled again. ”Well, I must wish you good morning, sir; I am very glad you are coming.”
”Without compliment?”
”Without compliment.”
”A rivedersi--good-by for the present, my young signorino. This way,”
observing Frank make a bolt towards the wrong door. ”Can I offer you a gla.s.s of wine?--it is pure, of our own making.”
”No, thank you, indeed, sir,” cried Frank, suddenly recollecting his father's admonition. ”Good-by, don't trouble yourself, sir; I know any way now.”
But the bland Italian followed his guest to the wicket, where Frank had left the pony. The young gentleman, afraid lest so courteous a host should hold the stirrup for him, twitched off the bridle, and mounted in haste, not even staying to ask if the Italian could put him in the way to Rood Hall, of which way he was profoundly ignorant. The Italian's eye followed the boy as he rode up the ascent in the lane, and the doctor sighed heavily. ”The wiser we grow,” said he to himself, ”the more we regret the age of our follies: it is better to gallop with a light heart up the stony hill than sit in the summer-house and cry 'How true!' to the stony truths of Machiavelli!”
With that he turned back into the belvidere; but he could not resume his studies. He remained some minutes gazing on the prospect, till the prospect reminded him of the fields which Jackeymo was bent on his hiring, and the fields reminded him of Lenny Fairfield. He returned to the house, and in a few moments re-emerged in his out-of-door trim, with cloak and umbrella, re-lighted his pipe, and strolled towards Hazeldean village.
Meanwhile Frank, after cantering on for some distance, stopped at a cottage, and there learned that there was a short cut across the fields to Rood Hall, by which he could save nearly three miles. Frank, however, missed the short cut, and came out into the high road; a turnpike-keeper, after first taking his toll, put him back again into the short cut; and finally, he got into some green lanes, where a dilapidated finger-post directed him to Rood. Late at noon, having ridden fifteen miles in the desire to reduce ten to seven, he came suddenly upon a wild and primitive piece of ground, that seemed half chase, half common, with crazy tumbledown cottages of villanous aspect scattered about in odd nooks and corners. Idle, dirty children were making mud-pies on the road; slovenly-looking women were plaiting straw at the threshold; a large but forlorn and decayed church, that seemed to say that the generation which saw it built was more pious than the generation which now resorted to it, stood boldly and nakedly out by the roadside.
”Is this the village of Rood?” asked Frank of a stout young man breaking stones on the road--sad sign that no better labour could be found for him!
The man sullenly nodded, and continued his work. ”And where's the Hall--Mr. Leslie's?”
The man looked up in stolid surprise, and this time touched his hat.
”Be you going there?”
”Yes, if I can find out where it is.”
”I'll show your honour,” said the boor, alertly.