Part 30 (1/2)
”What, has that fellow been talking--surely not?” he exclaimed quickly.
”I only speak from my own knowledge--not from hearsay.”
He took a long draw at his cigar, looking me calmly in the face, as though undecided how to act. At last, after full deliberation, he said, in a much more conciliatory tone--
”Really, Mr Woodhouse, I don't know, after all, whether either of us will gain anything by being antagonists. We both have our own ends to serve. You love Lady Lolita, and wish to--well--to save her; while I, too, have an object in view--a distinct object. Why cannot we unite in a friendly manner?”
”Against whom?”
”Against those who seek to bring ruin and disgrace upon the woman you love.”
”But you are her enemy,” I said. ”How can I join you in this affair?”
”Ah, there you are quite mistaken. She, too, is mistaken. True, I was once her enemy, but circ.u.mstances have changed, and I am now her friend.”
”Is your friends.h.i.+p so then to being influenced by every adverse wind that blows?” I asked, by no means convinced of the genuineness of his proposals.
”Of course you hesitate,” he remarked. ”And perhaps that is only natural. Let us, however, call Lady Lolita into consultation.”
This suggestion of his I readily acted upon, and ringing for a servant told him to find her ladys.h.i.+p at once, and ask her whether she could make it convenient to see me for a moment in the red room on business connected with next day's shooting luncheon.
Then we put down our cues and together walked through the long corridors to the old wing of the great mansion, to the red room, a small boudoir to which visitors never went, and where I knew that we might exchange confidences in secret.
I switched on the electric light, and standing together in the small old-fas.h.i.+oned apartment, furnished in crimson silk damask of a century ago, and red silk upon the walls, we anxiously awaited her coming.
At last we heard her light footstep in the corridor, but she halted upon the threshold, utterly taken aback at sight of my companion. She had avoided him studiously all the evening, and was of course, unaware of our present intention.
”I regret very much to call your ladys.h.i.+p here,” Keene commenced. ”But it seems to have become imperative that Mr Woodhouse and I should, in your presence, arrive at some understanding.”
Though radiant in dress, her beautiful face was pale to the lips, and her thin hands trembled nervously.
She advanced slowly without a word, like a woman in a dream, and stepping up behind her I closed the door and locked it.
”I must explain, Lady Lolita,” said Keene, ”that had I known you were returning here I should have left before your arrival, for I have no desire to thrust upon you my presence, which I know must, having regard to the past, be most unwelcome. However, we have met, and I am a guest here in your home. Further circ.u.mstances compel me to remain here for some time longer, therefore I am anxious that we should thoroughly understand one another.”
”I received the letter handed me by Warr, the innkeeper. It was sufficiently explanatory,” she remarked in a hard unnatural voice, standing with her hand upon the chair back, and looking straight into his calm countenance.
”We may, for the present, disregard that letter,” he said. ”You will recollect what I said to you confidentially in the hall an hour ago.
You admitted that you reciprocate Mr Woodhouse's affection, and you declared that he was your friend.”
”And so I am,” I maintained.
”Exactly. Indeed, as far as I can ascertain, it seems that he is a most devoted friend. It is for that very reason that I have asked you to come here and listen to what I have to say.”
”I am all attention,” she responded blankly, with that inertness born of despair. ”My enemies have combined to crush me--that I know.”
”Well, first let me tell you, Lady Lolita, that although I have shown myself antagonistic in the past, my convictions have now become changed, and I regret all that I may have done to cause you pain and injury. If you can really I forgive, will hold out my hand in friends.h.i.+p,” and he stretched forth his hand to her as pledge of his sincerity.
At first she hesitated, unable to believe that the man whom she had regarded as her bitterest enemy should have become so completely, and so suddenly her friend. Like myself, she could not at first bring herself to put perfect faith in him. Yet, in a few moments, seeing his evident earnestness, she took his hand, and allowed him to wring hers in genuine friends.h.i.+p.