Part 20 (2/2)
”At any rate, in this affair, you'll have to act with the greatest caution and discretion, Lady Stanchester,” I said. ”The man is here for some sinister purpose--of that I feel quite sure. He arrived in Sibberton a little while ago, tramping along the highway, tired and hungry, a shabby wayfarer, upon whom Warr looked with suspicion. To-day he is your husband's welcomed guest, to whom he expects you to act with kindness and attention.”
”Kindness!” she e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. ”Kindness to that man!”
”Is he such an enemy of yours?” I asked in a low tone. ”Why don't you take me further into your confidence, Lady Stanchester? Surely you can rely upon my discretion?”
”I have taken you into my confidence as far as I dare,” was her answer, uttered in a tone of desperation. ”I want you now to a.s.sist me in combating this man's intentions, whatever they are.”
”I promise to render you what a.s.sistance I can, but on one condition, recollect,” I said. ”The condition is that what I do is in order that you shall be afforded opportunity to convince George of your true affection.”
”I know, I know,” she cried quickly. ”I will adhere to my part of the compact. Believe me, I will,” and she stood before me a pale apprehensive figure in her Norfolk jacket and short tweed skirt--a woman whose att.i.tude showed me that Keene's presence there held her terrified.
The truth of it all I could not guess. A vague suspicion arose of some curious romance in the days prior to her marriage; of some skeleton in her cupboard, which she feared must now be brought out to the light of day before her husband's eyes. I saw written in her countenance, as she stood before me, an all-consuming fear which seemed to hold her there immovable.
”I'm wondering whether I ought not to make some excuse to go away on a visit somewhere,” she suggested after a pause. ”I can't really stay under the same roof with him, meet him each day at table, and be compelled to chat with him. It's utterly impossible.”
”But how can you leave all these people?” I asked. ”Besides, if you did, he might perhaps revenge himself--that is, if you are wholly in his hands. Are you?”
”Utterly,” she answered hoa.r.s.ely, as though that confession were wrung from her.
”You fear him, while he has no need to fear you. Is that so?”
She answered in the affirmative in the same hoa.r.s.e unnatural tone.
”Then you must not run further risk by attempting to escape him,” I said decisively. ”You must remain, act diplomatically, and endeavour to maintain a bold front. Recollect that he is here in order to take advantage of the first sign of apprehension on your part. Show no fear of him,” I urged. ”Disclaim all knowledge of him if necessary. a.s.sert to his face that you have never met before, should he speak to you alone and endeavour to recall the past. We live for the present or the future, Lady Stanchester, not for the past--whatever it may have been.
Courage!” I said. ”If you really love George and are now hounded by this man, I will help you in every way.”
”Ah!” she said gratefully. ”I know you will, Mr Woodhouse. Believe me, I am at this moment sorely in need of a friend. I know, alas! what evil tongues have said of me, and what a reputation I have for giddiness and flirtation. Yet every action of a woman of my age and position is magnified and exaggerated in order that it may furnish food for gossips and hints for scandal. But I tell you I am not so black as I am painted. I still have a heart--and that heart is my husband's. He is your friend, and if you a.s.sist me to defeat this man you will be rendering him the greatest service one man can render to another--and you will save me.”
”I have promised,” I answered. ”You must go now and meet the man on perfect equality, with perfect friends.h.i.+p. Your mind is blank regarding the past, and you have never met him before in all your life. No matter what he threatens to reveal, or what he tells you his revenge will be, you must not admit that you have been previously acquainted.”
”It will be difficult--terribly difficult,” she said. ”He can unfortunately recall certain facts which--well, which I fear I cannot deny.”
”But you must,” I urged. ”Deny everything. Then he will expose his hand, and we shall know how to deal with him in order to checkmate his plans.”
”Very well,” answered the desperate woman. ”I'll do my best. But if I fail you must not blame me.”
”You are clever, Lady Stanchester, and with your woman's diplomacy and quick inventiveness I am sure you can face the difficulty and overcome it. Go,” I urged. ”You must appear at dinner gay and merry, as though you had not a serious thought in the world. Your careless att.i.tude will then puzzle him from the very outset. Act as I tell you, and if you want advice at any moment, come to me.”
She thanked me, and turning slowly went out to dress for the terrible ordeal which she knew too well was before her. And when she had gone I sat in my chair for a long time, plunged in thought.
The mystery was a.s.suming even greater and more remarkable proportions.
The chief problem at the moment was the motive of the mysterious guest.
Who was this man Keene of whom both Lolita and Lady Stanchester were in such deadly fear? What power did he possess over them?
Times without number had I asked myself that self-same question, but no solution of the enigma presented itself. The mystery was now even more dark and inscrutable than it had been at the outset. The puzzle was maddening. So I rose with a sigh, and went up to my room to dress with a distinct feeling precursory of some untoward event about to occur in the Stanchester household, and a fervent hope that the young Countess would hold her own successfully in the desperate fight with this man whom she declared to be her very worst enemy.