Part 17 (1/2)

Strong dropped a hundred-credit note on the bar and turned away without another word. Tom followed, and as they pa.s.sed Roger and Astro, a knowing look pa.s.sed between them, and Tom gestured for them to follow.

Having heard the conversation, Astro and Roger walked over to the bartender who was folding the credit note before putting it in his pocket.

”You sell your information pretty cheap, s.p.a.ceman,” snarled Roger.

”Suppose those two were Solar Guardsmen in disguise?”

The bartender paused, then shook his head. ”Couldn't be!” he said.

”Why not?” asked Roger.

”Because the Solar Guard has a guy salted away that knows exactly where Wallace is.”


”That's the story, sir,” said Strong to Commander Walters, after the Solar Guard captain had related the information he had wormed out of the bartender at the s.p.a.celanes Bar and the news Roger and Astro had brought.

”All right, Steve,” nodded the commander. ”I'll have the man picked up right away and psychographed. Meantime, you go on to Venus and see Nicholas s.h.i.+nny.”

”Very well, sir,” said Strong. ”End transmission!”

”End transmission,” acknowledged Walters. Strong flipped the switch and the teleceiver screen darkened.

Fifteen minutes later, the _Dog Star_ blasted off from Mars, heading for Venus.

During the trip back to the young planet that was rapidly growing into a major industrial center rivaling Earth, Strong received a report from s.p.a.ce Academy that the bartender had been picked up. His name was Joseph Price, and after questioning him under truth serum, Solar Guard security officers found the man's mind to be so filled with criminal plots and counter-plots, it would take several weeks for the psychograph a.n.a.lyst to learn the name of the man he claimed would know the whereabouts of Wallace. This was disappointing news for Strong, especially since the report included news of a second, third, and fourth strike by Wallace and Simms on s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps near the asteroid belt.

Reaching the starting place of their adventure, Venusport and the Solar Exposition, Strong and the three cadets went immediately to a small suburban section of the great city and the home of Nicholas s.h.i.+nny.

s.h.i.+nny lived comfortably in a small house made of t.i.tan crystal, enjoying himself during the day catching Venusian fatfish and watching the stereos at night. Once an enlisted s.p.a.ceman, he had been retired with full pension and was living in ease and comfort. When Strong and the three cadets arrived at the elderly s.p.a.ceman's house, they found him busy teaching a young Venusian wolfhound puppy how to retrieve.

”Well, blast my jets!” cried the old man. ”If it ain't Tommy, Roger, and the big fella, Astro! And Captain Strong!”

”h.e.l.lo, Nick!” said Strong with a smile. ”You're a sight for s.p.a.ce-blind eyes!”

”Heh-heh-heh,” cackled s.h.i.+nny, his merry eyes twinkling against his deep s.p.a.ce tan. ”It's mighty good to see you boys. Come on in the house. I got a mess of fatfish just pulled out of the stream and some of the most delicious biscuits you ever had in your life!”

”Well, thanks, Nick,” hesitated the captain. ”But we're in--”

”Can't be in too much of a hurry to eat,” snapped the old man with a grin. ”Anything you got to say is better said when you got a bellyful of Molly's cookin'.”

”Molly!” cried Tom. ”But, Mr. s.h.i.+nny--”

”When--” gulped Astro, ”when did you--”

”Hey! Hold on!” cried the old s.p.a.ceman. ”Just damp your tubes there, youngsters! You're way off course. Molly ain't nothing but an electronic cook I got installed in the kitchen. She cooks better'n any s.p.a.ce-brained woman and she never opens her mouth to give me any sa.s.s!”

The four s.p.a.cemen laughed at s.h.i.+nny's obvious indignation.