Part 6 (1/2)

In laughing groups, the crowd around the stand began to purchase tickets and climb aboard the old freighter.

The three cadets watched from the outer edge of the crowd.

”Hey, fellas,” said Roger suddenly, ”whaddya say we go?”

”What?” gulped Astro. ”On that thing?”

”Why not?” urged Roger.

”But that hulk should have been s.h.i.+pped back to the sc.r.a.p furnace years ago!” Tom protested.

”So what, Junior?” drawled Roger. ”Scared?”

”Don't be silly,” replied Tom. ”But with all the other things to do here, why should we--”

”Oh,” said Astro, nudging Tom, ”now I get it!”

”You get what?” asked Roger innocently.

”Those girls,” said Astro. ”They're just climbing aboard.”

Glancing at the air lock, Tom saw three young and pretty girls file into the s.h.i.+p. ”Oh, so that's it, huh?” he said, looking quizzically at his unit-mate.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Tom saw three pretty girls board the s.h.i.+p_]

The blond cadet's eyes were wide with mock surprise.

”Girls? Well, what do you know about that? I never noticed!”

”Yeah, I'll bet you didn't!” said Tom.

”Well, they _are_ trim little s.p.a.ce dolls. And there are three of them!”

”Come on, Astro,” sighed Tom. ”We have to give the little boy his fun.”

They walked toward the stand where Simms was still making his pitch to the crowd.

”Just five more seats left, ladies and gentlemen, only five chances to blast into s.p.a.ce ...”

Tom stepped up and put three credits on the counter. ”Three, please,” he said.

Simms looked down and suddenly stopped his harangue. His eyes narrowed with suspicion as he saw the three cadets standing before him.

Hesitating, he glanced around, seemingly looking for help. Then, shrugging his shoulders, he handed over the tickets and turned to the crowd. ”Three tickets for the s.p.a.ce Cadets, who live out there in s.p.a.ce.

Just can't stay away from it, eh, boys?”

”I only hope that tub of yours holds together,” said Tom.

Simms snarled out of the side of his mouth, ”Shut up, wise guy!” And then continued aloud, ”Yes, s.p.a.ce Cadet, I agree with you. Everyone should take a trip into s.p.a.ce.”

Tom started to protest, but then shrugged his shoulders and followed Roger and Astro into the s.h.i.+p. On the stand, Simms continued his appeal to the crowd.