A mature but beautiful lady of roughly thirty years of age put down her dustpan upon seeing us and approached us. She first respectfully bowed in our direction then asked, “Milady. May I ask who you are looking for? Or perhaps it’s for another matter?”
“Lady? Me?” I was a little taken aback by being so suddenly mistaken as a lady by another lady… Do I look like a lady now? No way! Just look at how dashingly handsome I am, how am I a lady? Please, lady, how about opening up those eyes of yours and have a better look? Can’t you see that my chest is as flat as a plateau? Yours are practically the Mount Everest of breasts in comparison!
“Based on your dignified bearing, I guessed that you were a lady of nobility.” Seeing me so shocked, the lady probably assumed that she had just seen through some clever disguise of mine and thus couldn’t help but giggle. “A beautiful, dignified girl like yourself is rare in these parts, I knew right away.”
Kill me please…
“Master…” Jezsere anxiously ran up and hugged me, having noticed my crestfallen experience. “Are you alright, master? Even if you’re a girl, Jezsere will still like you!”
Why doesn’t anyone believe me when I say I’m a guy… I just want to go cry in a corner now…
“Hmm? Did I say something wrong?” The mature lady ran over as well to check up on us. Yet just as she was contemplating where she had gone wrong, she suddenly spotted Reyage standing behind us.
“Mister Reyage? Is that Mister Reyage?” The lady practically screamed in a fashion reminiscent of a fangirl meeting her idol. And before Reyage could even respond, she had already weaved through Zurnalin and us to grab Reyage’s hands. “Your heartless man, how can you just toy with me and just leave without even cleaning up your mess…”
What the fudge?! You mean Reyage actually pulled a quickie and just left? But this is the Demoness Abode, and these are all my women… I mean, faithful. How dare he leave without paying his bills… I mean, how dare he leave without taking responsibility… The audacity! I demand satisfaction!
Yet before I could even question Reyage, our resident timid girl had already done so herself. “Big brother, you were playing games with this big sister over here? What kind of games?”
… That was… a very pure way of thinking… reminds me of the innocence I never had…
“Siri, watch what you’re saying, I don’t have any such relationship with you.” A normally stoic Reyage was now on the verge of exploding as he sternly rebuked the mature lady fluttering her eyelashes at him. “My younger sister is still here so you had better watch your tongue.”
“Oops, I must have forgotten to say that it happened in my dreams. Hehe.”
Still… feels bad to be Reyage right now.
“Hmm?” Even up till now, Jezsere couldn’t figure what the two of them were saying. Wasn’t it just games they were talking about? “Why is everyone looking so strange?”
“Jezsere, it has been a while.” The lady known as Siri winked at Jezsere.
“Huh? Big sister, do you know Jezsere?”
“…” Everyone immediately fell silent. Judging by how sincere she seemed, Jezsere really did not know this lady, or perhaps she just did not remember her. In all likelihood, it was the latter.
“Oh. That’s right.” Siri quickly stepped in to break the awkward silence and take the heat off Jezsere. “We haven’t formally met yet, but I’m Siri, your future sister-in-law.”
“Oh.” At that, our favourite timid girl nodded politely. “Hello, sis.”
Sometimes… I really wonder if I should open up her head and see what’s stuffed inside. Why would you believe something a random lady said?
“Siri, let’s get this straight here, we have no relationship whatsoever.” A visibly shaken Reyage first eyed me anxiously, and upon discovering the surprise on my face, quickly pulled Jezsere to himself.
Ever the airheaded one, Jezsere was still grinning like a silly rabbit as she congratulated her brother. “Big brother, when did you get married? Jezsere never knew.”
“I haven’t! And that lady isn’t your sister-in-law! She even said so herself: future… no, not even future.” Reyage said in sheer exasperation, though he quickly realised the error of his words. Reyage quickly threw me a look at that point… Don’t worry, brother, I’ve got your back.
“Jezsere, come here for a second, you can leave your brother to handle his own affairs.”
“Oh. Okay.” Jezsere, ever the obedient girl, scooted right over in an instant, leaving an unhappy Reyage to deal with Siri.