The feeling of being stared at by five Overlords wasn’t pleasant. Putting aside that taunting smirk the Overlord Purgatory Shadowcat had on right now, those three horses had on glares that could kill.
“What’s the fun in hiding in that shell, come and out and play, why don’t you?” That cat beckoned at me with his paws. “Negotiations are always better face-to-face, are they not?”
‘Who said I even wanted to talk to you guys at all. I just wanted to watch you guys from the sidelines and munch on some popcorn…’
‘Screw it, since he even went through the trouble of singling me out, I’ll do him this favor. From the looks of things, a fight isn’t likely anyway.’
With that in mind, I confidently stepped out of Devil King Idol’s pocket dimensions, though I left Mo Na and the rest behind.
The moment I jumped out of the massive golem, the eyes of every Purgatory creature present fell on me. It almost felt like the temperature around me rose a few degrees at that instant… Actually, it wasn’t a feeling at all; the temperature of Purgatory was supposed to be a few degrees higher than that of the Devil King Idol’s pocket dimension.
“So about that… Hi, everyone…” I awkwardly said. In the end, only the Hellhound’s clan head gave me an obligatory nod while the four other Overlords ignored me entirely.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true either. The Overlord kitty did give me an intent look that made my hair stand while the Overlords horses all gave me a death stare.
‘Hey, you guys were the one who called me out here… how about showing some warm hospitality over here in Purgatory… Fine. Fine. You can guys just keep on burning over there.’
This awkward silence continued for a few seconds before that shadowy Nightmare Steed spoke up. “Devil, why have you invaded our territory?”
“Because I want the horn of a Nightmare Steed.”
I wasn’t really afraid of him, but a peaceful solution was always best. As everyone knew, I’m a pacifist to the bone.
“Lies!” The corporeal Nightmare Steed vehemently denied my statement. “Shade already stated at the beginning that he was willing to give you a horn and you still chose to fight!”
‘Please, did you think it was easy gathering all these troops to come attack you? You really think a simple horn is enough to satisfy me? Do I look like a beggar to you?’
Naturally, I wasn’t going to say that -that would be too direct. That was why I decided to use a more tactful approach. “Actually, we were here for a holi-”
While a new Overlord wasn’t going to be as strong as them, he was more than enough to bully a bunch of lower-starred creatures.