Just based on the fact that we only had Gaiuz to draw blood from, and we had to do it in a way that won’t harm him, the bloodletting was bound to take a long time. With that in mind, we left for Hellhound territory first to discuss the matter of our alliance.

Ever since that brief encounter with the Purgatory Shadowcats’ Overlord, I knew that it was basically impossible to try and subjugate a clan with an Overlord looking after it. At the very least, with my current power level, there was no way I could convince them to fall in line. The best I could hope for was to do what I did with the Shadowcats: have them cooperate with me. In truth however, both of us had our own reservations, though it had to be said that their cooperation was an indirect submission to me.

What came next then was to find out where the Hellhounds stood in this matter. If they weren’t willing to help me, I could only rely on force to convince them. Even though their Overlord was still a problem, as long as that promise held true, he wouldn’t dare act rashly lest his entire clan paid the price with him. If it was just a battle of Eight-stars, my own safety shouldn’t be an issue with my Devil King Idol.

Because I had no interest in seeing them drain Gaiuz’s blood, I temporarily said goodbye to a sullen Meisian who was still angry with me. With Mo Na, Jeerah and Sinmosa’s family in tow, we left for Hellhound territory.

With Sinmosa leading the way, we took a week or so to reach her clan’s territory.

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Although creatures of Purgatory all had their own clans, it wasn’t like each member of the clan had to live in the same habitat. Just like humans had their towns, every member had their own area in which their families stayed in. The Purgatory Shadowcats’ three largest factions belonged to Meisian, Gaiuz and Weiderly, and none of them lived in the same area.

There were many reasons for this arrangement, but the majority had to do with food and perhaps power disputes. Even though the Hellhounds had split into multiple factions, there was still a leader that ruled over them: their one and only Overlord. It just so happened that this Overlord lived in Sinmosa’s pack settlement.

Unlike the Purgatory Shadowcats who lived in castle towns, the Hellhounds made their habitat out of dugout caves in the mountains. Rather than settlements, it would be more accurate to describe their living space as a nest of caves.

Before we even came within sight of this nest, the Hellhound in charge of patrolling the vicinity had already spotted us. Although, to be fair, over seven hundred golems marching together wasn’t really the hardest to spot either, what with the mini tremors they caused with each step.

“Sinmosa! What are you doing back here…”

Unexpectedly, Sasani was actually the first to react to this newcomer. Before Neanderke even came face to face with our party, he had already rushed forward to block the obviously excited Cerberus from approaching Sinmosa any further.