Chapter 331: A Third Teleportation Point? (1/2)

Upon hearing Mo Na’s question, Cinderel barked three identical “Barks~”, as if to say that important things had to be said thrice. Based on that, I could that her little tummy was empty.

Only allowed on

Faced with these two kids and their comedic act, I could only smile with exasperation, “Alright, I’ll go get us something to eat.”

“Hehe, Mama’s the best!”

Even though having to go out foraging right after returning was a pain, I couldn’t exactly let my precious daughter go hungry either.

Scooping up the two rascals, I randomly picked ten Winged Abyssal Golems and headed towards the royal capital. Halfway down, I bumped into No.4.

He bowed, “Master.”

“Mhm.” I casually nodded back. “You’re here to see me?”

This devil of mine was tasked with guarding Mother Black Ant. If he was here and not with her, that meant he had news regarding her to report.

“Master, Mother Black Ant has successfully hatched her first batch of eggs, roughly a thousand.”

‘That fast? Hasn’t it just been two days, was she giving birth and incubating at the same time? Either way, it’s worth a visit.”

“In that case, bring us to her, I just so happen to have an idea but let’s head there first.”

“Understood, Master.”

With No.4 leading the way, we quickly found ourselves near the northern city gates where a black ant hole laid. Without even guessing, I knew that was Mother Black Ant’s.

Walking up to it, No.4 called out twice. Soon after, Mother Black Ant’s insect head wriggled its way out of the hole and into view. She peered around for a second and, upon noticing me standing near No.4, she quickly crawled out of her hole and past No.4.

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“Master…Mother Black Ant…pays her respect.” She spoke in her awkward version of the devil’s tongue, though the tone was definitely one of respect.

Looking at her subservient behavior, I decided not to bully her this time round and cut straight to the point, “I heard from No.4 that your eggs have hatched. How’s your body holding up?”

“Mother Black Ant…is grateful…for the…Master’s concern…she’s doing…well…”

“As long as nothing’s wrong…” I nodded my head and continued, “Will your kids be able to function without you? In your current state, can you make a long trip? I have something I wish for you to try. Perhaps it might not require too much travelling, but it will require an extended period of absence.”

She lifted her ugly insectoid head to look at me. Looking at her, I could tell she was slightly surprised, even though there really wasn’t any expression to be gleaned from that so-called face of hers. “What does…the Master…wish of…Mother Black Ant…”

“I wish to unite the surrounding ant nests under your command. Based on a number of factors, including communication barriers, I felt you would be the better choice, at the very least you can talk to them.”

“Master…Mother Black Ant…wishes…wishes…to go…”

Upon hearing my suggestion, she immediately perked up, not at all weakened or fatigued as I had assumed she would be. Perhaps there really was no side effects to speak of, or perhaps she was simply used to it, seeing as queen ants like would often give birth to a whole pile of eggs everyday…

“No.4 will stay to guard the place then, I guess?” Because I was leaving, No.4 naturally had to stay behind to watch over the place in my stead. Reluctant to do so, he initially thought about protesting that decision. However, he knew very well that he couldn’t change my mind, not to mention that there had to be someone guarding the place.

“I understand, Master…”

I could tell he was disappointed, but who told me to be so short of manpower right now…

To make it up to him somewhat, I smiled and said, “I’ll bring back some souls for you on the way back.”