Chapter 72: Silver Furred Werewolf (1/2)


As the two-star werewolf ran away, he gave out the characteristic howl of a wolf. However, it sounded slightly different from before; it was much weaker and almost seemed like a signalling howl.

The howl rolled across the battlefield, bringing with it an immediate change in the werewolves. No matter their circumstances, they immediately tried to break away from their opponents even at the risk of getting injured. Soon, the werewolves were all gathered in one spot.

As if they had rehearsed this before, the majority of the werewolves simultaneously turned around and ran leaving behind a smaller portion to cover their retreat. Despite the abruptness, these escaping werewolves managed to maintain to a semblance of unity as they tried to break through the devils.

They succeeded initially but things were never so simple, especially in a chaotic battle like this with so many unknowns thrown into the mix.

The two-star werewolves were significantly stronger than my imps, in fact, they were able to assist the other werewolves while taking on an enemy of our own. Initially, this created a favorable situation for the escaping werewolves.

However, they were foiled right at the cusp of success by the unexpected intervention of the half-orcs in what could only be described as the second coming of the half-orcs.

Due to the immense strength of the werewolves, a large number of our devils had been seriously injured by them, causing the battlefield to be littered with abandoned weapons. In the midst of this chaos, the half-orcs undertook a second round of scavenging, bringing the total up to 11 heavy shields, 14 Mo sabres and 8 sets of swords and shields.

With these equipment in hand, their second wave of attack was both explosive and deadly.


While I certainly appreciated their continuous show of formidable might, I just couldn’t understand the way these half-orcs thought. Don’t forget, just a short time ago, these slaves were our mortal enemies!

Initially, upon seeing the werewolves attempt to escape, I had planned on letting them go after putting up some nominal resistance. After all, even a rabbit would bite when cornered. Furthermore, I didn’t want to lose anymore subordinates and so I decided not to push them further over the edge.

However, this sudden outburst by the half-orcs made me reconsider my initial plans…

With heavy shield in hand, the 11 shield bearing half-orcs rammed right into the werewolf blockade. Making use of the heavy shield’s inherent sturdiness, they threw themselves at the werewolves with reckless abandon time after time.

Shockingly, this brute force method ended up working as their third attempt finally succeeded in disrupting the werewolves’ formation, allowing a breach to form in the blockade.

The half-orcs immediately streamed through the gap and dashed past the fleeing werewolves. With a quick turn of their bodies, they formed a shield wall in front of the fleeing werewolves.

These fleeing werewolves were all one-stars and so had no way to breakthrough this new shield formation. This last minute plan of theirs ended up being extremely successful.

It was at this moment that the other half-orcs who were currently mixed in with the devils, engaged in another frenzied wave of attacks. The sword and shield half-orcs formed the took the lead and charged at the werewolves with the Mo sabres following closely behind.

Compared to the devils, their take on our standard formation was significantly more successful. These half-orcs were able to bring out the full power of the bone shields as they clashed with the werewolves. Not only did they manage to efficiently defend themselves, they were able to interrupt the flow of their opponents’ movements with a timely bash.

Furthermore, these sword wielding half-orcs coordinated perfectly with their Mo sabre brethren in inflicting the maximum amount of damage on the disorderly werewolves.

Ever since the demonic werewolves decided to abandon the fight, our side hadn’t suffered a single casualty. This was in large part due to the half-orcs’ dynamic offense. To be honest, the fact that I had considered using them as cannon fodder was a serious mistake on my part; it would’ve been a severe underestimation of their abilities if I did so.


“These half-orcs truly exceeded my expectations this time around.” I praised them, all the while making sure not to stay idle, with a wave of my hand, I instantly fired off a bone spear in the direction of a two-star werewolf.

That werewolf was currently engaged with Nine-finger, all the while being flanked by a couple of hellhounds. In midst the of this dangerous situation, the werewolf not only had to deal with attacks from these three, he also had to contend with my sporadic bone spears. Naturally, this could only end in a tragedy for the poor werewolf.

Just as I was certain of our victory, Violet Snow suddenly shivered at my side as if something had chilled her to the core.

Knowing her, she wouldn’t act this way without a reason and so I immediately checked in on her: “What’s the matter?”

“We have a problem.” She replied ominously as she threw a grave look in the direction the werewolves had just attacked us from. “Getyour men to retreat now, we have a problem.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Retreat! Immediately! Now!”

Retreat? Right now? Are you kidding me…we are just about to wipe out these bastards and you want me to give up?


In the end, I chose to place my trust in her words, even if I couldn’t see a reason to do so.


“Everyone listen up, stop chasing them and get back here immediately.”

Upon receiving the order, my devils were just as stunned as I was. To them, beating on a defeated foe was exactly the situation they had been waiting for.Expecting them to stop now was the same as having to take a toilet break in the middle of an exciting fight.


A high pitched howl echoed ominously across the battlefield, At the corner of my eye, I spotted a black shadow flash across the battlefield at an unbelievable speed. If I had to describe it, it was as if a flash of lightning had crackled across the night sky, eye-grabbing and startling at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow crossed the barricade set up by the half-orcs, knocking them aside as it rammed through. As it approached the werewolves, it gracefully leaped into the air, passing over the werewolves, devils and the mix of half-orcs and hellhounds. By the time it landed, it was already in front of my bone wall.


“So strong…”

What stood in front of us was a demonic werewolf. Her figure was roughly similar to the others we had encountered so far except that her body was slightly more slender than the others.