Part 3 (1/2)

”It's there,” said Phronsie, through a rain of tears; ”and it hurts, Polly;” and she began to wiggle the big toe, where around the nail was settling a small black spot.

”Poor little toe,” began Polly, cuddling up the suffering foot. Just then, a small and peculiar noise struck her ear; and looking up she saw Joel, with a very distorted face, making violent efforts to keep from bursting out into a loud cry. All his attempts, however, failed; and he flung himself into Polly's lap in a perfect torrent of tears. ”I didn't--mean to--Polly,” he cried; ”'twas the--ugly, old hammer! oh dear!”

”There, there, Joey, dear,” said Polly, gathering him up in the other corner of the old chair, close to her side; ”don't feel bad; I know you didn't mean to,” and she dropped a kiss on his stubby black hair.

When Phronsie saw that anybody else could cry, she stopped immediately, and leaning over Polly, put one little fat hand on Joel's neck. ”Don't cry,” she said; ”does your toe ache?”

At this, Joel screamed louder than ever; and Polly was at her wit's end to know what to do; for the boy's heart was almost broken. That he should have hurt Phronsie! the baby, the pet of the whole house, upon whom all their hearts centered--it was too much. So for the next few moments, Polly had all she could do by way of comforting and consoling him. Just as she had succeeded, the door opened, and Grandma Bascom walked in.

”Settin' down?” said she; ”I hope your cake ain't in, Polly,” looking anxiously at the stove, ”for I've found it;” and she waved a small piece of paper triumphantly towards the rocking-chair as she spoke.

”Do tell her,” said Polly to little David, ”what's happened; for I can't get up.”

So little Davie went up to the old lady, and standing on tiptoe, screamed into her ear all the particulars he could think of, concerning the accident that had just happened.

”Hey?” said grandma, in a perfect bewilderment; ”what's he a-sayin', Polly--I can't make it out.”

”You'll have to go all over it again, David,” said Polly, despairingly; ”she didn't hear one word, I don't believe.”

So David tried again; this time with better success. And then he got down from his tiptoes, and escorted grandma to Phronsie, in flushed triumph.

”Land alive!” said the old lady, sitting down in the chair which he brought her; ”you got pounded, did you?” looking at Phronsie, as she took the little foot in her ample hand.

”Yes'm,” said Polly, quickly; ”twasn't any one's fault; what'll we do for it, grandma?”

”Wormwood,” said the old lady, adjusting her spectacles in extreme deliberation, and then examining the little black and blue spot, which was spreading rapidly, ”is the very best thing; and I've got some to home--you run right over,” she said, turning round on David, quickly, ”an' get it; it's a-hang-in' by the chimbley.”

”Let me; let me!” cried Joel, springing out of the old chair, so suddenly that grandma's spectacles nearly dropped off in fright; ”oh! I want to do it for Phronsie!”

”Yes, let Joel, please,” put in Polly; ”he'll find it, grandma.” So Joel departed with great speed; and presently returned, with a bunch of dry herbs, which dangled comfortingly by his side, as he came in.

”Now I'll fix it,” said Mrs. Bascom, getting up and taking off her shawl; ”there's a few raisins for you, Polly; I don't want 'em, and they'll make your cake go better,” and she placed a little parcel on the table as she spoke. ”Yes, I'll put it to steep; an' after it's put on real strong, and tied up in an old cloth, Phronsie won't know as she's got any toes!” and grandma broke up a generous supply of the herb, and put it into an old tin cup, which she covered up with a saucer, and placed on the stove.

”Oh!” said Polly; ”I can't thank you! for the raisins and all--you're so good!”

”They're awful hard,” said Joel, investigating into the bundle with Davie, which, however, luckily the old lady didn't hear.

”There, don't try,” she said cheerily; ”an' I found cousin Mirandy's weddin' cake receet, for--”

”Did you?” cried Polly; ”oh! I'm so glad!” feeling as if that were comfort enough for a good deal.

”Yes, 'twas in my Bible,” said Mrs. Bascom; ”I remember now; I put it there to be ready to give John's folks when they come in; they wanted it; so you'll go all straight now; and I must get home, for I left some meat a-boilin'.” So grandma put on her shawl, and waddled off, leaving a great deal of comfort behind her.

”Now, says I,” said Polly to Phronsie, when the little foot was snugly tied up in the wet wormwood, ”you've got to have one of mamsie's old slippers.”

”Oh, ho,” laughed Phronsie; ”won't that be funny, Polly!”

”I should think it would,” laughed Polly, back again, pulling on the big cloth slipper, which Joel produced from the bedroom, the two boys joining uproariously, as the old black thing flapped dismally up and down, and showed strong symptoms of flying off. ”We shall have to tie it on.”