Part 14 (1/2)
”Well, there's certainly nowhere to hide in here,” I said. ”And I can't see any reason why anyone would want to come in here, either.”
”Me neither, miss. Unless he was just ducking in here because he didn't want to be seen.”
”Queenie, you're surprisingly bright sometimes,” I said.
”Really, miss?” She sounded surprised. ”My old dad says I must have been twins because one couldn't be so daft.”
I went across to her window, opened the single shutter and looked out. Moonlight had turned the snow into a magical scene-deep and crisp and even sprang to mind. The only sound was the sigh of the wind around the turrets, then I thought I detected from far away a howl. It was answered by another howl, close by, this time. And I thought I saw a wolf slinking into the forest.
Of course my mind went straight to werewolves. If vampires appeared to really exist, then why not other creatures of the underworld? This was, after all, Transylvania. Was it in any way possible that the man Queenie had just encountered had now climbed down the castle wall and transformed himself into his wolf form? Or did that only happen at the full moon? The sensible part of me, that sound Scottish upbringing, was saying ”rubbish” very loudly in my head, but on a night like this, in a place like this, I was prepared to believe anything.
As I leaned out farther and looked around I saw something snakelike and gleaming in the moonlight, dancing close to me with a life of its own. I leaped back until I realized that it was only a rope, hanging down the wall. If someone had climbed up here, he had been aided and abetted by a person already in the castle. And if someone had entered this way, he had gone again.
”You're right, Queenie. There is no sense in standing around getting cold,” I said. ”I'm sure your mystery man is long gone. I'm going back to bed.”
”Can't I come with you, miss?” She grabbed at my nightie sleeve. ”I can't sleep up here, all alone, after what happened. I know I wouldn't sleep a wink. Honest.”
”You want to come downstairs to my room, with me?”
”Yes, please, miss. I'll just sit on the rug by the fire if you like. I don't care. I just don't fancy being alone.”
I was about to say that it simply wasn't done but she looked as white as a sheet, and I wasn't feeling too steady myself.
”Oh, very well,” I said, not wanting to admit that I too was grateful for the company. ”I suppose I can make an exception this once. Come on, then.”
We retreated back to my room, encountering n.o.body along the way. Once in my room I got into bed. Queenie sat dutifully on the hearth rug, hugging her knees to her chest, giving a good imitation of Cinderella. My kind heart won out over every ounce of my upbringing. ”Queenie, there is actually plenty of room in this bed. Come on, you'll freeze sitting there.”
Gratefully she climbed into bed beside me. I found the warmth of another body beside me comforting and fell asleep.
Chapter 20.
Bran Castle Friday, November 18
I was awoken by the blaring of horns. It was the sort of sound I a.s.sociated with an army going into battle or alerting a castle's occupants to the enemy's advance and it caused me to leap out of bed. I didn't think that conquering armies showed up unannounced these days in central Europe, but one never knew and I didn't want to be caught in my night attire. I fumbled with the shutters, which had iced up, and flung them open just in time to see a procession of big black motorcars flying royal standards crawling up the snowy ramp to the castle. Heralds were standing on the battlements blowing on long, straight horns. The pa.s.s must have opened and the kings and queens had arrived.
I closed the shutters hastily to keep out the bitter chill and decided that morning tea would be welcome before I had to be presented to visiting royalty. It was quite light and surely tea should have arrived by now. . . . That was when I remembered Queenie. I looked back at my bed where Queenie still lay blissfully sleeping, mouth open. It was not a pretty sight.
”Queenie!” I yelled, standing over her.
She opened her eyes and gave me a vague smile. ”Oh, 'ello, miss.”
”The royal party has just arrived. I should be ready and dressed to be presented. Oh, and I'd like my morning tea. So up you get.”
She sat up slowly, yawning her head off. ”Right you are, miss,” she said, not moving.
”Now, Queenie.”
With that she staggered to her feet, then looked down at herself. ”Lawks, miss, I can't go walking around in me nightie, can I? What would people say? I wouldn't half get an earful!”
”No, I don't suppose that would be an acceptable thing to do, but I don't have a robe I can lend you. Because you didn't pack me one.” I opened my wardrobe. ”Here, you'd better have my overcoat. Bring it back when you come up with my morning tea.”
She paused at my doorway. ”This tea bit. What am I supposed to do?”
”Go to the kitchen, tell them you've come for Lady Georgiana's tea tray and carry it up to my room. Now, is that too hard?”
She frowned. ”Okay, bob's yer uncle, miss.” And with that she sauntered out. That girl will have to go, I thought. Thank heavens I hadn't taken her on for the long term.
I decided not to count on help with my morning toilet, so I was washed and dressed by the time she reappeared, red faced and panting, carrying my tea tray. ”There ain't half a lot of stairs in this place, miss,” she said. ”Oh, and there was a bloke asking after you.”
”What kind of bloke?”
”Ever so handsome, miss. Dark hair and he spoke proper English too. Not like one of them wogs.”
”And what did he say?”
”He said it was about time you roused yourself and he was waiting for you in the breakfast room.”
”Oh,” I said, feeling my cheeks going pink. ”Then I'd better get straight down there, hadn't I?”
” 'Ere, what about the tea what I just brought up for you?” Queenie demanded.
”You drink it,” I said. ”Oh, and my shoes need polis.h.i.+ng.”
With that I ran down the hallway. One of these days I'd better learn to be masterful with servants. Lady Middles.e.x was quite right. Not that I thought that Queenie would ever learn.
Darcy was alone, sitting with a cup of coffee in front of him as I came into the breakfast room. He rose to his feet as I entered.
”Well, if it isn't Sleeping Beauty,” he said. ”What sort of time do you call this?”
”I don't know. What time is it?”
”Almost ten.”
”Oh, crikey,” I exclaimed. ”I had a disturbed night last night. I must have been making up for it.”
”And what disturbed you?” He was looking at me in that special way, half laughing, that made my insides go weak.
”My maid woke me up to say there was a man in her room.”
”Lucky maid. What did she want you to do about it? Give her your blessing or come and watch?”
”Darcy, it's not funny,” I said. ”She was terrified, poor thing. I went up to see, but of course he'd gone.”
”Was it a hot-blooded Romanian who fancied a prim English miss?”