Part 13 (1/2)
'Nothing,' Tovel observed, and Shel turned away impa.s.sively.
'As you see, we were telling the truth,' said the Doctor.
'Nevertheless, you were quite right to check. The crystals must be on board somewhere.' He smiled icily at Shel.
'Concealed by whoever set this vessel in motion.'
'Why can't they be on the part we left behind?' Ben asked.
'Without them,' Tovel explained, 'this s.h.i.+p can't change course. Ever.'
'It's a one-way journey,' said Polly quietly.
'Indeed, that's quite possible.' The Doctor steepled his fingers and turned his eyes to the vaulted ceiling high above.
'But to where are we travelling, hmm? Let us consider the facts.'
Haunt looked at him warily. 'Go on.'
'Firstly, it would seem the Schirr infested this training area and subverted its functions to accommodate their own. If we are travelling under the guidance of their systems it is unlikely we shall be entering Morphiean s.p.a.ce. To do so would mean certain suicide for DeCaster and his followers.'
'Yeah, but they're already dead, Doctor,' Ben interrupted.
'Precisely, my boy. But the flight of this asteroid, and the timing of its takeoff, would have been determined before before the b.l.o.o.d.y conflict that consumed them took place.' the b.l.o.o.d.y conflict that consumed them took place.'
'They've turned this whole place against us,' Haunt breathed. 'They must mean to use it as a weapon.'
Shel considered. 'DeCaster's intent has always been hostile to Earth and Empire. Outwardly, our appearance, size and ma.s.s suggests a simple meteor.'
'This rock could steer smoothly into orbit around an Earth world,' said Tovel, catching on, 'then drop out of the sky on any continent before anyone can react.'
Polly just stared at him, horrified.
Ben was still scratching his head. 'But if they had all this planned on the automatics, why stay behind? Why fight among themselves?'
'A power struggle of some kind?' wondered Shel. 'Perhaps Pallemar wanted to take control.'
Haunt nodded, a faraway look in her eyes as if she were somehow watching the b.l.o.o.d.y events unfold. 'Pallemar was placing the others in the stasis field. They didn't know how long they would have to wait for the next training squad.
They planned to use our s.h.i.+p to escape in once the trap was sprung, marooning us here. But Pallemar must've realised that with DeCaster stuck in stasis, he could set himself up as the leader.' She nodded with sudden conviction. 'The sc.u.m won't even stay loyal to their own kind.'
'The scenario would seem to fit,' said the Doctor. 'Except for one thing. If such a squabble took place at the end, unexpectedly... why are the crystals not in evidence?'
Tovel clicked his fingers. 'Of course. One of the Schirr must have them! If we can breach that stasis field, we can simply take the crystals back and change course as we wish.'
'Scan the corpses, Shel,' said Haunt.
All eyes were on Shel as he waved the wand-like device around the dais.
And shook his head.
'No power source, Marshal,' he stated.
Polly felt sick as her hopes plummeted. She noticed the Doctor nod his head, just a fraction, as if he'd suspected as much all along.
Lindey led the way through the narrow pa.s.sage in the rock that led to the doorway. Shade wished it was him staying behind to guard it.
'Watch out for dead Schirr,' he called lightly to Roba and Frog.
Roba said nothing. Frog gave him an obscene gesture.
Shade headed off through the glittering shadows of the complex, Lindey just behind him. He felt exposed without his webset, hated having such freedom to think. Without the mission to trammel his thoughts, they were escaping all over.
Half the bullring had collapsed in on itself. The route back to the s.h.i.+p, along with another tunnel, was buried forever.
Shade saw that some of the weed had been shaken down from the crumbling ceiling by the tremors. A cloud of fleas hopped round his feet. He watched them jump, fascinated.
Going about their business, unaware giants were gathered around them.
'Shadow?' asked Lindey lightly.
He couldn't stop staring.
'You seem a little worked up, Shadow,' she went on.
Shade didn't see the point of arguing the point. 'What if we've got no way off this rock?'
'Haunt will find one.'
'You doubt it?'
Shade closed his eyes. He didn't want to doubt it. 'And what about Denni? Do you reckon she's dead like Joiks thinks?'
Lindey shrugged. 'Maybe we'll find her while we're checking out what else is left behind here.'