Part 14 (1/2)
Yup, he was right. She had a huge bruise on her forehead. Her hands and arms were covered in blood and she was missing her jacket. And something was wrong with her hair.
”Are you all right?” He gently placed his fingers on her face to move it so he could get a better look at the on her head. He then ran his hands over her arms and found the source of the blood.
”I'm fine now. Sorry I'm late.”
”Screw being late. I'm taking you to the hospital.”
”No! Really, I'm fine. The blood is dried and I don't want to cause a scene.”
”Sparky, no matter what, you are going to cause a scene. Now tell me what happened, and quickly, before they get impatient.” He directed his eyes to his family who were all staring at them intently.
”I got locked in my office. The electricity was cut and a cell phone jammer was placed outside the door. I broke the window and crawled out, hence the blood and missing hair. I went down the hall to try the light switch when I heard a noise behind me. Before I could turn around, I got smashed over the head and fell headfirst into the lockers. I saw a figure in the distance but not enough to have any kind of description. I gave chase and found an empty parking lot, and that is why I was late to dinner.”
Cade's heart didn't slow down after her explanation. Who would do this to her? ”Do you think your cover is blown?”
”No. I don't know what this was about, but it didn't feel like it had to do with the case. The agency is checking it out for clues now.”
”Are you all coming in?” he heard his mother ask.
”Sorry, Ma, but Annie had a little accident.” That excused everything, and the family rushed down the steps, his mother leading the way.
”Oh, bless your heart! Are you hurt? What happened?” his mother questioned as she hurried toward a wide-eyed Annie.
”I was carrying too much stuff and tripped on some loose gravel in the parking lot. I'm afraid I went head first into my car.”
Cade tried to hide his smile at her explanation. It was a good one, and it had his mother and Paige ushering her inside to get fixed up. All awkward greeting was now pushed aside. His mother was in her zone. Having six kids, she became something of an unflappable nurse.
Annie's head was spinning, and not because of the whole being bashed over the head thing. It was spinning at the conversation going around the table. She had learned the whole family history and even some about the black sheep of the family, Cy, who apparently only showed up every now and then.
She had been fussed over, bandaged up, and then plied with homemade food by Mrs. Davies, who insisted on being called Marcy, or in a not so subtle hint, Mom. Pierce was trying his hardest to interrogate her but was failing miserably. Cole was trying to run interference. Marshall and Miles were trying to intimidate, and Mr. Davies sat by quietly eating his food, watching everything.
Every now and then she would swear Cade was cursing and planning the downfall of his brothers. She found it all very strange, very chaotic, and very comfortable. So, this was what it was like to have a family. She liked it very much and was quite envious.
”So, dear, are you going to be spending Thanksgiving with your family?” Marcy asked from the head of the table.
”Thanksgiving?” Annie repeated. She never celebrated Thanksgiving. She couldn't cook and was always alone, so it never seemed important.
”You know, the holiday that's on Thursday where you traditionally eat turkey and stuffing and lots of dessert and watch football,” Pierce joked.
”Pierce,” his mother whispered harshly. ”Ignore him. Now tell us about your family. Are they are in Florida?”
”Um, I really don't have much of a family. My mother died when I was ten, and I was raised in a series of foster homes,” Annie stated matter-of-factly. People often got upset when she told her story, but to her it was the only thing she knew.
”No family! Oh, bless your heart! Everyone should have a family. No father, or grandparents?” Marcy exclaimed as she placed her delicate hand over her heart.
”I don't know who my father was. I don't think my mother knew either. My grandparents are dead. I have, or had, an aunt in Louisville, but haven't heard from her since she refused to take me after my mother died. I heard from a cousin, Chrystal Sharp, but I'm not too keen on family who only want me to fill out a family tree.” She took a deep breath and plastered on her 'I'm okay with it' smile. ”That's why I didn't realize Thanksgiving was this week.”
”Well then, you will simply join us for Thanksgiving. Cade, you pick her up at noon. We'll be your family and that's that.”
”Marcy, you don't....” Annie started to say she didn't have to do that. It hardly bothered her anymore to be alone on holidays.
”Enough. You're coming. You're family. Now, Marshall, what's this business about your wanting to run for sheriff?”
Annie hid her smile behind her napkin. The table had s.h.i.+fted all of its attention away from her and to Marshall. Marshall in return stared at his mother in disbelief.
”How did you know that? I didn't tell anyone.”
”Mothers always know these things. Just like I knew every time one of you snuck out of the house. So, tell us about your decision to leave the private security practice and going into public service.”
”I haven't decided yet. I just found myself wanting something different. I am getting tired of doing the same thing day after day- installing security systems, providing protection for celebrities coming to town, and so on.”
”Well, you sure don't have my vote.”
”Miles!” Marcy gasped.
”I was just kidding, Ma. I think it would be a wonderful thing. The sheriff is getting rather old and has been pretty sick recently. Some new blood never hurts. And think of all the potential women he could get when wearing his uniform.”
”That's it, Miles Jackson Davies. No dessert!” Marcy reached over and grabbed the slice of pumpkin pie sitting in front of him. Annie watched in disbelief that this big, serious, tough guy hung his head and pouted when his mother took his dessert away. Marcy might not look like it, but she was a force to be reckoned with.
Annie loved when she stayed at Cade's house. His king-size bed was so much better than her little twin one. She pulled the sheets up to cover herself as she curled up against Cade's warm body.
”About Thanksgiving,” Cade started.
”Well, my parents eat pretty early, and Dani and Mo are having an open house party that evening. I know it would be a long day, but I would love it if you came with me to their house after dinner with my family.”
”Sure, that sounds like fun,” she agreed as he turned off the light and wrapped her up in his arms. After a couple of minutes she heard his breathing slow and she knew he was asleep.
The bed on her side dipped and Justin crawled over to her. He rested his head near her pillow, gave her a wet kiss, and wagged his tail. Her two boys. Her family. The thought rocked her to her core. She had lived most of her life thinking she never wanted a family, never needed a family, but not after tonight. Tonight showed her what she could have: a loving husband, interfering in-laws, brothers, sisters, children and even a dog.
She could see herself in this house filled with noise and love. She had lived in silence too long. She finally knew what she wanted in life. She wanted the dream, and she wanted it with Cade Davies. d.a.m.n, what was she going to do now?
Chapter Nineteen.
Annie looked in wonder at the mansion in front of them. There were BMW's parked alongside pick-up trucks and Buicks that were older than she was. All the wings of the mansion were lit up and it looked like something out of a fairytale.
”Wow!” Annie couldn't think of any other word to describe it.
”I know. But, after you meet Mo it won't look nearly so ostentatious. He's really laid back unless he needs to cut some red tape.”
”I only met him for a second, but he seemed really nice.” Annie thought back to her first week in Keeneston and snickered. ”Actually, the Roses wanted to set me up with Ahmed when I first moved here.”
”Really? Well, I know who we're avoiding tonight,” Cade said as he parked the car next to a large, blue tank of a car from the seventies. Annie shook her head. ”Oh, you think I'm joking. No, ma'am. If Ahmed decides he wants you, he would just kill me and take you.”