Part 3 (2/2)

He studies me for a second like he's thinking it over. ”Okay,” he says reluctantly. I beam at him. ”But you stay at my side at all times.”

I nod. I'm more than okay with that. I still get a little scared that someday my father might find me. I'll feel safe with him next to me when we do decide to go out.

”But you still need to eat.” He brings some food to my mouth, and this time I bite his finger when he feeds me. He growls in response. ”I like that.”

I slide my tongue against his fingertip before I release his finger from between my teeth.

”Your teeth feel good on me.” I turn a little so I'm straddling him. Leaning forward, I lick his neck like he always does to me, before taking a little nibble of him. His whole body jerks. A moan pours from him, and the sound goes straight to my core.

Pulling back, I look into his now-gold eyes. He reaches for my s.h.i.+rt, ripping it right down the center and leaving me completely naked on his lap. My underwear was long gone before I even got out of bed this morning.

”f.u.c.k, you're perfect. I didn't even know something could be so perfect.” His hand starts to roam my body, and I can't stop from moving my hips. Feeling bold, I lean up and reach between us, pulling his hard c.o.c.k from his flannel pajama pants.

”Take me inside you, Snow. I want to watch you ride me.”

I bite my lip, and he grips my hips, steadying me as I guide his c.o.c.k to my entrance. When he's in position, I slowly slide down. Moans fill the room as I start to move on top of him. His hand goes back to greedily wors.h.i.+ping my body, touching me anywhere and everywhere before he slides it between my legs to play with my c.l.i.t.

”Bite me, Snow, please,” he begs, something I'm sure he never has to do. I do as he asks, leaning forward and biting into his shoulder. A loud roar booms from him as I feel him erupt inside of me, sending me over with him and making me bite harder. I feel more of him flood into me, making me moan as I finally release him. I lean back to watch his face. He always looks so peaceful and happy after we make love, and I love that I put that look on his face.

”You're perfect,” he says again, bringing his hand up from between my legs to his mouth, licking his fingers clean and making me blush a little.

”You taste perfect, too.”

Both his hands come to my hips and slide over to my stomach. ”We might have made a cub,” he says smiling.

”What if it's not a cub?” I ask, unable to help myself. I know mates tend to conceive fast, so the likelihood of me being pregnant is high.

He shrugs like it's no big deal either way.

”What if it's human like me?” I push, needing more from him. ”I know you don't like humans.”

”I like you.”

The word like stings a little, because I more than like him.

”Will you like our babies if they're human?”

”I will love them either way. You aren't the only human I like. Sheriff Dominic's wife is human too, and she doesn't bother me. If our babies are human, they will be perfect like you. Anything from you would be perfect.”

His words hurt way more than he could ever know, because they can't be true. My father was his jailer. I'm almost a hundred percent sure of it now that he's told me about his time in captivity. He only told me bits and pieces, but I recognized his descriptions and I knew he was talking about the same place I had run from.

Not only that, he had a clear hatred for humans. I know how much that hatred can eat someone up. I'd seen it with my father. He hated s.h.i.+fters. Thought they were science projects. h.e.l.l, I think he hated humans, too, if how he treated me was any indication. It was why I ran to begin with. He wanted to start running tests on me, too. I'd seen an opening to escape one night and took it. I ran for what felt like forever until I collapsed in the snow, where my brothers found me. I'd only been eleven.

I'd refused to tell them my name, so Snow was born that day. Pulling myself from Koda's lap, I grab the discarded s.h.i.+rt from the floor and use it to cover myself a little as I exit the room. I hear his chair push back and his heavy footsteps following me down the hallway and into the bedroom where I start to look for clothes to wear.

He stands in the doorway, watching me get dressed, with a confused look on his face.

”We aren't going anywhere. I like you naked,” he protests as I slide a s.h.i.+rt over my head and pull on socks. I ignore him as I find pants and slide them on next.

”What's the matter? I can tell you're sad. Tell me and I'll fix it. We can go to town now if you really want. Maybe I have something that can keep you warm. It might be a little big but-”

”Koda,” I say, cutting him off. ”You can't think every part of me is perfect.”

”I can,” he growls, taking a step into the bedroom. I match him with a retreating step, making him growl again.

”The Denalis are my brothers because they found me in the woods one night. Covered in snow. It's how I got the name, actually. I was eleven when they became my family.”

”I'm your family now,” he corrects, possessiveness coating his words. A half smile pulls at my lips. I love that he's like that with me. But it's not real. He keeps calling me perfect and it's not true. Each time he says the word, it cuts a little deeper.

”Before I was Snow Denali, I was Angie Madden.” His eyebrows rise like he's thinking. ”That night I was running from a facility my father ran. That was the night the Denali brothers found me. His name was Dr. Jack Madden.”

I see the color leave his face before a roar of rage sounds though the house, making me jump. ”See? Not everything that comes from me can be perfect, because I come from him.”

We stand in utter silence for what feels like an eternity before Koda turns, storming from the room. After a few moments I hear the front door bang open. Following the sounds, I enter the living room to see the door that's always locked up so tightly is wide open.

I grab my shoes next to the door and my cape and slip them on, stepping outside onto the porch to see if I can see where he went, but I only see his tracks in the fresh snow. A sob hiccups from my chest, and I feel the tears start to slide down my face.

Stepping off the porch, I start walking. It's clear that he wants me gone. He's been so protective of me, but he just left the door wide open. It's not long until I start to hear howls, and I start running towards the sounds, knowing who it is.

When I break through the clearing, I see them coming towards me at a dead run. When I reach them, I drop to the ground, petting each of them. I can tell they are inspecting me but won't s.h.i.+ft until we get back to their cabin.

”Lead me,” I tell them as I follow them through the woods for a good mile before I finally see their cabin. I push inside and sit on the sofa. I wait for them to s.h.i.+ft and change, and then all three join me back in the living room. They pull me up from my seat and wrap me in hugs.

”We've been so f.u.c.king worried, Snow. The phones have been down, and we had to wait for the storm to stop to make it over to the Alpha's house to find out where you were,” Flint says, a half growl in his voice.

”I've been with Koda,” I tell them.

”We know,” Forest says sternly, and I give him another hug.

”He wouldn't f.u.c.king tell us where Koda lived. Said he'd go check it out, but then his mate started freaking out. He kicked us out of his house. Said he'd get back to us, but we've been searching anyway,” Flint finishes. I can see the tension in his body.

”I'm fine,” I try to rea.s.sure them.

”You're not fine. You've been crying,” Finn says worriedly. My fair skin hides nothing.

”I...” I pause, taking a deep breath. ”My mate wants nothing to do with me.” The last part comes out as a sob as Finn pulls me into an embrace, holding me tightly and trying to get me to stop crying. Suddenly, a roar sounds from outside.

Chapter 7.
