Part 4 (2/2)
”What now? Why nothing particular just now,--unless you have something to tell me. Which, judging from your entangled expression of eye, I presume you have.”
De Launay hesitated a moment. The Professor saw his hesitation.
”Do not speak, my friend, if you think you are committing a breach of confidence,” he said composedly--”In the brief affairs of this life, it is better to keep trouble on your own mind than impart it to others.”
”Oh, there is no breach of confidence;” said De Launay, ”The thing is as public as the day, or if it is not public already, it soon will be made so. That is where the mischief comes in,--or so I think. Judge for yourself!” And in a few words he gave the gist of the interview which had taken place between the King and the emissary of the Jesuits that morning.
”Nothing surprises me as a rule,”--said the Professor, when he had heard all--”But if anything could p.r.i.c.k the sense of astonishment anew in me, it would be to think that anyone, king or commoner, should take the trouble to speak truth to a Jesuit. Why, the very essence of their carefully composed and diplomatic creed, is to so disguise truth that it shall be no more recognisable. Myself, I believe the Jesuits to be the lineal descendants of those priests who served Bel and the Dragon. The art of conjuring and deception is in their very blood. It is for the Jesuits that I have invented a beautiful new verb,--'To hypocrise.' It sounds well. Here is the present tense,--'I hypocrise, Thou hypocrisest, He hypocrises:--We hypocrise, You hypocrise, They hypocrise.' Now hear the future. 'I shall hypocrise, Thou shalt hypocrise, He shall hypocrise; We shall hypocrise, You shall hypocrise, They shall hypocrise.' There is the whole art of Jesuitry for you, made grammatically perfect!”
De Launay gave a gesture of impatience, and flung away the end of his half-smoked cigar.
”Ach! That is a sign of temper, Roger!” said Von Glauben, shaking his head--”To lift one's shoulders to the lobes of one's ears, and waste nearly the half of an exceedingly expensive and choice Havana, shows nervous irritation! You are angry, my friend--and with me!”
”No I am not,” replied De Launay, rising from his chair and beginning to pace the room--”But I do not profess to have your phlegmatic disposition. I feel what I thought you would feel also,--that the King is exposing himself to unnecessary danger. And I know what you do not yet know, but what this letter will no doubt inform you,”--and he drew an envelope bearing the Royal seal from his pocket and handed it to the Professor--”Namely,--that his Majesty is bent on rus.h.i.+ng voluntarily into various other perils, unless perhaps, your warning or advice may hinder him. Mine has no effect,--moreover I am bound to serve him as he bids.”
”Equally am I also bound to serve him;”--said Von Glauben, ”And gladly and faithfully do I intend to perform my service wherever it may lead me!” Whereupon, shaking himself out of his rec.u.mbent position, like a great lion rolling out of his lair, he stood upright, and breaking the seal of the envelope he held, read its contents through in silence. Sir Roger stood opposite to him, watching his face in vain for any sign of astonishment, regret or dismay.
”We must do as he commands,”--he said simply as he finished reading the letter and folded it up for safe keeping--”There is no other way; not for me at least. I shall most a.s.suredly be at the appointed place, at the appointed hour, and in the appointed manner. It will be a change; certainly lively, and possibly beneficial!”
”But the King's life--”
”Is in G.o.d's keeping!” said Von Glauben,--”Believe me, Roger, no harm comes undeservedly to a brave man with a good conscience! It is a bad conscience which invites mischief. I am a great believer in the law of attraction. The good attracts the good,--the bad, the bad. That is why truthful persons are generally lonely--because nearly all the world's inhabitants are liars!”
”But the King--” again began Sir Roger.
”The King is a man!” said Von Glauben, with a flash of pride in his eyes--”Which is more than I will say for most kings! Who shall blame him for a.s.serting his manhood? Not I! Not you! Who shall blame him for seeking to know the real position of things in the country he governs?
Not I! Not you! Our business is to guard and defend him--with our own lives, if necessary,--we shall do that with a will, Roger, shall we not?” And with an impulsive quickness of action, he took a sword from a stand of weapons near him, drew it from its scabbard and kissing the hilt, held it out to De Launay who did the same--”That is understood!
And for the rest, Roger my friend, take it all lightly and easily--as a farce!--as a bit of human comedy, with a great actor cast for the chief role. We are only supers, you and I, but we shall do well to stand near the wings in case of fire!”
He drew himself up to his great height and squared his shoulders,--then smiled benevolently.
”I believe it will be all very amusing, Roger; and that your fears for the safety of his Majesty will be proved groundless. Remember, Court life is excessively dull,--truly the dullest form of existence on earth,--it is quite natural that he who is the most bored by it should desire some break in the terrible monotony!”
”The monotony will certainly be broken with a vengeance, if the King continues in his present humour!”--said De Launay grimly.
”Possibly! And let us hope the comfortable self-a.s.surance and complacency of a certain successful Minister may be somewhat seriously disturbed!” rejoined Von Glauben,--”For myself, I a.s.sure you I see sport!”
”And I scent danger,”--said De Launay--”For if any mischance happen to the King, the Prince is not ripe enough to rule.”
A slight shadow darkened the Professor's open countenance. He looked fixedly at Sir Roger, who met his gaze with equal fixity.
”The Prince,”--he said slowly--”is young--”
”And rash--” interposed De Launay.