Part 17 (1/2)
[Footnote 395: Calamy, ii. 243.]
[Footnote 396: _Guardian_, No. 41.]
[Footnote 397: _Spectator_, No. 269.]
[Footnote 398: Hoadly, 'Reasonableness of Conformity.'--_Works_, i.
[Footnote 399: 'Letter to a Clergyman,' &c.--_Works_, i. 30.]
[Footnote 400: Matthew Henry, in Th.o.r.esby's _Correspondence_, i. 438.]
[Footnote 401: Speech in the House of Lords, 1704.]
[Footnote 402: Burnet's _Life and Times_, 741.]
[Footnote 403: Ibid. 721.]
[Footnote 404: At this date, as White Kennet's biographer remarks, 'the name of Presbyterian was liberally bestowed on one of the archbishops, on several of the most exemplary bishops, as well as on great numbers among the interior clergy.'--_Life of Kennet_, 102.]
[Footnote 405: _Sermon before the Lord Mayor_, &c. November 5, 1709.]
[Footnote 406: _The Church of England free from the Imputation of Popery_, 1683.]
[Footnote 407: Skeats' _History of the Free Churches_, 160.]
[Footnote 408: Id. 346.]
[Footnote 409: Horace Walpole's _Memoirs_, &c. 366.]
[Footnote 410: They are carefully summarised in a series of papers in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for 1750, vols. xix and xx. It is clear from the correspondence on the subject how much interest they aroused.--See also Nichols' _Lit. An._, vol. 3.]
[Footnote 411: Hunt's _Religious Thought in England_, iii. 300.]
[Footnote 412: Blackburne's _Historical View_, &c., Introduction, xx.]
[Footnote 413: Canon 36, -- 3.]
[Footnote 414: 'Strictures on the Articles, Subscriptions, &c.,'
Jortin's _Tracts_, ii. 417.]
[Footnote 415: Quoted in _The Church of England Vindicated_, &c., 1801, p. 2.]
[Footnote 416: Whiston's _Life of Clarke_, &c., 11, 40; _Memoirs_, 157, &c.]
[Footnote 417: Hunt's _Religious Thought in England_, 3, 305.]
[Footnote 418: Id. 312.]