Part 14 (1/2)
”Well, ma'am, none but a little with the buyer. He wasn't sh.o.r.e he should
give the money to no Nigra, but Billy Emery and the others backed me up and he gave in.”
”The buyer,” Cynthie mumbled to herself.
”I should have thought of that.”Jeremiah was sure she should have, too. She would realize now that she hadmade a mistake, and he'd never get this chance again. But being in charge one time had been so good. Maybe one time was enough.
' ”You did a fine job, Mr. Betts. You said you paid the others. Did youcollect your own pay, as well?”
”Oh, no, ma'am.” Jeremiah was shocked at the suggestion. As she opened theenvelope, he couldn't help worrying that she would find less there than sheexpected and accuse him of stealing. He tried to think back on their conversation to see if he had made any mistakes or left anything out.
To his amazement, she began counting out his pay. And she did remember he was due an extra twenty- five cents a day. Only after his pile of bills hadbeen placed in his hand did she begin to count the rest. She wrote the amount in her big book and put the bills back in the envelope.
”There's one more thing I'd like you to do for me today, Mr. Betts.”
”Yes, ma'am,” he responded quickly, loo king at the pretty face and then averting his eyes out of old habit.
”Could you take this in to the bank for me?”She seemed to wait for an answer. Could she possibly think he would say no?”I'll do whatever you say, ma'am.”She smiled again.”I'll write out instructions for the banker.” She bent over the desk and Jeremiah was able to watch her again.
”He will give you a receipt that says the amount. Be sure he gives it toyou.””Yes, ma'am.””Good.” Cynthie folded the note, put it in the envelope with the money and handed it to Jeremiah.
”I wouldn't want that banker trying to cheat us.”
Jeremiah was so amazed that he almost forgot to reach out and take the
”You want me to go right now?” he asked coming to his feet because she wasrising.' ”Yes, I do. I know you should have the rest of the day off since you just got back, but it is important that this get to the bank.”
”Yes, ma'am.”
”Now remember, Mr. Betts,” she said, taking his arm as she walked toward the
”As soon as that money's in the bank, you have the rest of the day off.”
A slow smile spread across the dark face. Cynthie
opened the door and
teased, ”Say h.e.l.lo to Mary for me.”Jeremiah tried not to look too eager or surprised. ”Yes, ma'am. I'll sh.o.r.edo that.” He started to step outside and stopped for a moment.
”I want to thank you for let ting me do this, be the trail boss, I mean.”
Cynthie smiled.
”Louie recommended you and I didn't doubt for a moment that you could do it.”
The grin grew wide again. He nodded his thanks and stepped out onto the
porch. Louie sat waiting on the bottom step. He rose when he heard the dooropen behind him. Jeremiah grinned at him, as well, before placing his hat onhis head and hurrying toward the corral.
Louie and Cynthie watched him go then looked at one another.”Must have gone all right,” Louie suggested.”I've sent him to town.”Louie chuckled.”Then things went all right.” He walked slowly up the steps.”Can I talk to you?”Cynthie stepped back to let him in.”New problem?” she asked.”More like an old one.” He came inside far enough to close the door.”Now that the boys are back, I'd like to have a better look around.””What do you expect to find that you didn't find before?” She hadn't meant to sound so discouraged.”Don't know. nothin' maybe. But we were loo king for cattle before and hadnew riders and all. I'd like to get out there and check for signs of old camps, fires and such. Maybe figure out how somebody made off with the cattle.”
”We don't even know that that happened. I
haven't...” She made a motion toward the ledgers on the desk.
”Oh, what's the use! I can't make heads or tails of those books anyway.””Ma'am, I don't know nothin' about what the books'll say, but I know whatshould have been out on that prairie and wasn't. I'll likely be gone two orthree days.”
He was no longer asking for permission. Cynthie hadn't wanted to stop him, anyway.
”Good luck,” she said.
”I'll leave early tomorrow and take Emery with me if you don't mind.”
He tipped his hat and let himself out.Cynthie sighed. When was she going to admit that she couldn't run this ranchby herself? She should turn it all over to Louie's better judgment.
He was convinced they had been robbed, and he was in a better position to know than she was.
Even Kyle agreed with that. Kyle, in fact, offered a suspect.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the door as Winn stepped into the front room.