18 Merger 1 (1/2)

Ci-ci rushed through the streets toward his car, a happy smile on his face, completely oblivious to the happenings in Frae's apartment.

He leaped into the air, gliding over the car's hood and cleanly onto the driver's side, before he hopped in and sped away.

If it was a normal call, he wouldn't have been in such a hurry. But, unfortunately, it was from his job. Considering how little time he spent there, how could he ignore an emergency?

Of course, this wasn't from Petrov Technologies. Instead, it was a call to his alternate personality: Lucius Grant. It was a bit hard to keep his three selves straight, after all, Ci-ci Bell, Lucius Grant, and Lucius Grandbell, their names were all so similar. But, sometimes, the best hiding place was in plain sight. Who would think that the genius of a generation would pick pseudonyms that were so closely linked?

That aside, it was his law firm that contacted him.

Ci-ci currently worked for a middle rung law firm known as Patterson and Gravelle. Although he had only worked there for a handful of years to now, and rarely showed his face in their offices, he had long since been promoted to the Senior Associate ranks. It could be said that this was largely in part to his winning of the Milana's father's case, one that was seemingly impossible to win.

According to the ranking system of a law firm, one would first begin as a law clerk. Usually, these individuals were students, or recent graduates. Either way, in terms of the lawyer exclusive rankings, the clerk was the bottom rung.

After the clerk came the promotion to Junior Associate. This was considered the first real step into the world of lawyers and a sign that you were accepted by your respective firm.

The next promotion was Ci-ci's current ranking, Senior Associate. This promotion was given not only based on time spent with the firm, but also contributions made. A person could remain a Junior Associate for the rest of their lives if they didn't do enough.

After this came the first large separation. The first tier was known as the Associate rankings, the next were the Partner rankings.

While associates were the foundation and future of a firm, Partners were their backbone. In ancient times, when sects and powerful cultivators still existed, Partners would be the equivalent to elders while Senior Associates were core disciples.

Partners were separated into two large divisions, Partners, and the Heads of the firm, Managing Partners. Partners were separated into Junior Partners and Senior Partners. The difference between these two wasn't only seniority and power, but also investment. Something that didn't need to be explained now.

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Finally, there were the ancestors of the firm, usually past Managing Partners and Senior Partners that had taken a step down. These were known as the firm's Counsel and they usually only made an appearance during times of extreme emergency when the fate of the firm was on the line.

Of course, there was one final thing: the name of the firm. Patterson and Gravelle. What did it mean?