4 Milana 2 (1/2)
Leading Milana into the large kitchen, Ci-ci sat her down at the large white marble island and began cooking a simple omelette. ”So, what happened? Minus the whole law breaking of course.”
Milana pouted. ”Since when did lawyers actually care about the laws. You spend all your time bending them to your will.”
Ci-ci turned back from the stove, looking hurt. ”I'm innocent!”
”If you were, my father's company would have gone under. He has no right to be running a business.”
”A beautiful girl needed my help, how could I let her father suffer just because of a few mistakes?” Ci-ci smiled, shifting to the island to cut up some veggies.
Milana got lost in his precise hand movements before she snapped back to reality. ”Thank you… But, I don't feel good about having found him your help…”
A few months ago, Milana's father, and the majority share holder of a small technology-based company in Algood city, had run into a terrible patent fraud situation. If it hadn't been for Ci-ci, not only would the company have gone under, but Milana's father would have also faced a few years of jail time.
Although Milana had gone above and beyond to help her father, no one knew more than her how guilty he really was. If a full investigation had taken place, a few years in jail would have been the best-case scenario. And maybe 'best case' wouldn't be accurate. Only a few years of a jail time would be nothing but a dream.
At the time, anyone who reviewed the case knew it was an impossible win. No lawyer wanted to touch it. Although some thought about taking the money knowing they'd lose anyway, when they delved into the dark details of Milana's father's deeds… It just wasn't a smart move for any of their careers.
But, then came Ci-ci. He was not only unafraid, he actually won! And all he asked in return aside from his normal lawyer fees, was a single thirty-minute date with Milana. A date that led them to their relationship of a few months.
Milana was snapped out of her thoughts as a plate slid in front of her. An omelette made of healthy yellows, reds and greens invaded her senses with a calming feeling. Some sliced fruits were gently arranged to the side as well. It was clear Ci-ci did his best for her, causing her heart to warm and a small smile to spread across her delicate features.
Ci-ci watched as Milana ate while he enjoyed his own.
”It's not illegal anymore, I don't think… From what I understand, because of what happened yesterday, the university has already cut off all ties with Ci-ci Bell.”
”Oh?” Ci-ci chuckled to himself. Imagine revoking a tenure so quickly, there was no way that was done legally. He couldn't blame the board of professors. But, he could definitely blame Headmaster Mortlock.
”My father is really angry, Lucius… Many months ago, we got a message from Ci-ci Bell saying that he wanted to become our leading inventor.
At first, we thought it was a prank. After all, at the time, Ci-ci Bell was among the finalists for the Grandbell Award and a shoo-in to win. But, when he actually came in for a meeting, my father couldn't have been more excited.” Milana looked up to look at Ci-ci, a bit put-off that he wasn't more surprised. But, then again, she rarely saw Ci-ci be anything other than even keeled.
”But, in typical fashion, my father did something illegal. Under the guise of ensuring Ci-ci Bell was truly committed to our company, he made him sign a contract dated for the future. That in and of itself isn't so bad, but as you know – ”
”Ci-ci Bell is already tied to Grandbell University. Him signing his rights away to another company, even if it's for the future, violates the head-hunting laws. It makes it even worse that he is – or I guess was – tenured.”
On West Continent, head-hunting, meaning the act of poaching talents from other companies, was heavily penalized. The idea of Ci-ci being taken from the university by a small company would have been outrageous. Not only would Ci-ci be crucified, so would the company. And yet, Milana's father had done it anyway.