Part 40 (2/2)
”I wish he would,” interrupted Alice. ”All your compliments are of the wrong kind.”
”It isn't expected that brothers should compliment their sisters,” said Theodore.
Mrs. Greyson came into the room during the dancing, and was pleased to see that d.i.c.k and Henry Fosd.i.c.k, instead of sitting awkwardly in the corner, were taking their part in the evening's amus.e.m.e.nt. d.i.c.k made an engagement with Alice for another dance later in the evening, but danced the second with Ida Greyson, with whom, by this time, he felt very well acquainted.
”I didn't know you knew Alice Selden,” said Ida. ”Where did you meet her?”
”Her brother Theodore introduced me this evening. I did not know her before.”
”You haven't been here lately, d.i.c.k,” said Ida, familiarly.
”No,” said he. ”It's because I've been very busy.”
”You don't work in the evening,--do you?”
”I study in the evening.”
”What do you study, d.i.c.k?”
”French, for one thing.”
”Can you speak French?”
”A little. Not much.”
”I'm going to try you '_Comment vous portez-vous, monsieur?_'”
”'_Tres bien, mademoiselle. Et vous?_'”
”That's right,” said Ida, gravely. ”I can't talk much yet myself. Who teaches you?”
”I have a private teacher.”
”So have I. She comes twice a week. When I don't know my lesson, she boxes my ears. Is your teacher cross?”
”No,” said d.i.c.k, laughing. ”He doesn't box my ears.”
”That's because you're so large. I wish I could have you for my teacher.
I'd ask papa, if you could only speak it like a native.”
”So I can,” said d.i.c.k.
”You can, really?”
”Yes, like a native of New York.”