Part 35 (1/2)
”Why, I thought myself lucky to get six dollars,” said Edward.
”Yes, that's very fair,” said Roswell, condescendingly. ”In fact, I've worked at that figure myself; but, of course, one expects more as he grows older.”
”I suppose you'll accept your offer,” said Edward.
”I haven't quite made up my mind,” said Roswell, carelessly. ”I think I shall.”
”You'd better. Such places don't grow on every bush.”
Though Edward did not more than half believe Roswell's statement, he kept his disbelief to himself, feeling that it was a matter of indifference to him whether Roswell received a large or small salary.
”I must be going down to the office,” he said. ”Good-morning.”
”Good-morning,” said Roswell, and he re-entered the house, feeling that he had impressed Edward with a conviction of his superiority, and the value set upon his services by the business men of New York. He went upstairs, and picked out a flashy necktie from his drawer, tied it carefully before the gla.s.s, and about nine set out for Rockwell & Cooper's warehouse.
It is necessary for us to precede him.
Gilbert reached the counting-room at the usual time. His thoughts on the way thither were pleasant.
”I shan't be subjected to that young rascal's impertinence,” he considered. ”That's one satisfaction.”
His astonishment, nay, dismay, may be imagined, therefore, when, on entering the counting-room, the first object his eyes rested on was the figure of d.i.c.k.
”Good-morning, Mr. Gilbert,” said our hero, pleasantly.
”How came you here?” he demanded.
”I walked,” said d.i.c.k. ”I don't often ride. I think walkin's good for the const.i.tution.”
”You know what I mean, well enough. How did you get out of prison?”
”I haven't been there.”
”You were arrested for picking a man's pocket yesterday afternoon,” said Gilbert.
”Excuse me, Mr. Gilbert, you're slightly mistaken there. I was arrested _on suspicion_ of picking a man's pocket.”
”The same thing.”
”Not quite, as it has been proved that I was innocent, and the wallet was taken by another boy.”
”Have you been tried?”
”Yes, and acquitted.”
Gilbert looked and felt disappointed. He could not conceive how d.i.c.k could have escaped when the plot to entrap him had been so artfully contrived.
”Well, young man,” he said, ”I'll give you a piece of advice, and if you're wise you'll follow it.”
”That's kind in you,” said d.i.c.k.