Part 26 (1/2)
”_Station-House, Franklin Street._”
After d.i.c.k had written these letters he was left to himself. His reflections, as may readily be supposed, were not the most pleasant.
What would they think at the boarding-house, if they should find what kind of business it was that had detained him! Even if he was acquitted, some might suppose that he was really guilty. But there was a worse contingency. He might be unable to prove his innocence, and might be found guilty. In that case he would be sent to the Island. d.i.c.k shuddered at the thought. Just when he began to feel himself respectable, it was certainly bad to meet with such hard luck. What, too, would Mr. Greyson and Ida think? He had been so constant at the Sunday school that his absence would be sure to be noticed, and he knew that his former mode of life would make his guilt more readily believed in the present instance.
”If Ida should think me a pick-pocket!” thought poor d.i.c.k, and the thought made him miserable enough. The fact was, that Ida, by her vivacity and lively manners, and her evident partiality for his society, had quite won upon d.i.c.k, who considered her by all odds the nicest girl he had ever seen. I don't mean to say that d.i.c.k was in love,--at least not yet. Both he and Ida were too young for that; but he was certainly quite an admirer of the young lady. Again, if he were convicted, he would have to give up the party to which he had been invited, and he could never hope to get another invitation.
All these reflections helped to increase d.i.c.k's unhappiness. I doubt if he had ever felt so unhappy in all his life. But it never once occurred to him that his arrest was brought about by the machinations of his enemies. He hadn't chanced to see Micky Maguire, and had no suspicion that it was he who dropped the wallet into his pocket. Still less did he suspect that Gilbert's hostility had led him so far as to conspire with such a boy as Micky against him. It was lucky that he did not know this, or he would have felt still more unhappy.
But it is now time to turn to Micky Maguire and Mr. Gilbert, whose joint scheme had met with so much success.
Micky Maguire waited until d.i.c.k was actually on the way to the station-house, and then started for Pearl Street to acquaint Gilbert with the success of his machinations. His breast swelled with triumph at the advantage he had gained over his enemy.
”May be he'll keep his 'cheerin' reflections' to himself another time,”
thought Micky. ”He won't have much to say about my going to the Island when he's been there himself. They won't stand none of his airs there, I'm thinkin'.”
There was another pleasant aspect to the affair. Micky had not only triumphed over his enemy, but he was going to be paid for it. This was the stipulation between Gilbert and himself. The book-keeper had not promised any definite sum, but Micky, in speculating upon the proper compensation for his service, fixed upon five dollars as about what he ought to receive. Like many others who count their chickens before they are hatched, he had already begun to consider what he would buy with it when he had got it.
Now, only the day previous, Micky had noticed hanging in a window in Chatham Street, a silver watch, and chain attached, which was labelled ”GENUINE SILVER, ONLY FIVE DOLLARS.” Since Micky had been the possessor of a blue coat with bra.s.s b.u.t.tons, his thoughts had dwelt more than ever before on his personal appearance, and the watch had struck his fancy. He did not reflect much on the probable quality of a silver watch which could be sold for five dollars, and a chain thrown into the bargain. It was a watch, at any rate, and would make a show. Besides, d.i.c.k wore a watch, and Micky felt that he did not wish to be outdone. As soon as he received his reward he meant to go and buy it.
It was therefore in a very cheerful frame of mind that Micky walked up in front of Rockwell & Cooper's store, and took his stand, occasionally glancing at the window.
Ten minutes pa.s.sed away, and still he remained unnoticed. He grew impatient, and determined to enter, making his business an excuse.
Entering, he saw through the open door of the office, the book-keeper, bending over the desk writing.
”s.h.i.+ne yer boots?” he asked.
Gilbert was about to answer angrily in the negative, when looking up he recognized his young confederate. His manner changed, and he said, ”Yes, I believe I'll have a s.h.i.+ne; but you must be quick about it.”
Micky swung his box from his shoulder, and, sinking upon his knees, seized his brush, and went to work scientifically.
”Any news?” asked Gilbert, in a low voice.
”Yes, mister, I've done it,” said Micky.
”Have you managed to trap him?”
”Yes, I left him on his way to the station-house.”
”How did you manage it?”
”I grabbed an old fellow's wallet, and dropped it into d.i.c.k's pocket. He pulled it out, and while he was lookin' at it, up came the 'copp' and nabbed him.”
”How about the man from whom the wallet was taken?”