Part 16 (1/2)
”Call and see me when you haven't anything better to do.”
”Thank you. Good-night.”
”Were you in earnest, d.i.c.k, about the up-town lots,” asked Fosd.i.c.k, after Clifton had left the room.
”Yes,” said d.i.c.k. ”It's an investment that Mr. Murdock advised. I'll tell you about it, and then you can tell me what you think of it.”
d.i.c.k thereupon gave an account of the conversation that had taken place between him and the head clerk, and what they proposed to do. ”What do you think of it?” he concluded.
”I have no doubt it is an excellent plan,” said Fosd.i.c.k; ”but of course my opinion isn't worth much. I don't see but you stand a chance to be a rich man some time, d.i.c.k.”
”By the time I get to be a hundred,” said d.i.c.k.
”A good while before that, I presume. But there's something else we must not forget.”
”What is that?”
”Money is a good thing to have, but a good education is better. I was thinking to-day that since we have come here we haven't done any studying to amount to anything.”
”That is true.”
”And the sooner we begin the better.”
”All right. I agree to that.”
”But we shall need a.s.sistance. I've taught you about all I know myself, and now we want to go higher.”
”What shall we do?”
”I'll tell you, d.i.c.k. Have you noticed the young man that has a room just opposite ours?”
”His name is Layton,--isn't it?”
”What about him?”
”I heard yesterday that he was a teacher in a private school. We might engage him to teach us in the evening, or, at any rate, see if he is willing.”
”All right. Is he in now, I wonder?”
”Yes. I heard him go into his room a few minutes since.”
”Very well; suppose we go in and speak to him.”
The boys at once acted upon this suggestion, and, crossing the entry, knocked at the door.
”Come in!” said a voice from within.