Part 43 (1/2)

”He's at the Bar D, most likely. We'll get him!”

”I ain't takin' no chance of missin' him,” Sanderson shot back at Nyland as they mounted their horses; ”you fan it to Okar an' I'll head for his shack!”

Nyland's agreement to this plan was manifested by his actions. He said nothing, but rode beside Sanderson for a mile or so, then he veered off and rode at an angle which would take him to the neck of the basin, while Sanderson, turning slightly northward, headed Streak for Dale's ranch.

Halfway between the Double A and the neck of the basin, Nyland came upon the sheriff and his posse. The posse halted Nyland, thinking he might be Dale, but upon discovering the error allowed the man to proceed--after he had told them that Sanderson was safe and was riding toward the Bar D. Sanderson, Nyland said, was after Dale. He did not say that he, too, wanted to see Dale.

”Dale!” mocked the sheriff, ”Barney Owen hung him!”

”Dale's alive, an' in Okar--or somewhere!” Nyland flung back at them as he raced toward town.

”I reckon we might as well go back,” said the sheriff to his men. ”The clean-up has took place, an' it's all over--or Sanderson wouldn't be back. We'll go back to Okar an' have a talk with Silverthorn. An'

mebbe, if Dale's around, we'll run into him.”

The posse, led by the sheriff, returned to Okar. Within five minutes after his arrival in town the sheriff was confronting Silverthorn in the latter's office in the railroad station. The posse waited.

”It comes to this, Silverthorn,” said the sheriff. ”We ain't got any evidence that you had a hand in killing those men at Devil's Hole. But there ain't a man--an honest man--in town that ain't convinced that you did have a hand in it. What I want to say to you is this:

”Sanderson and Nyland are running maverick around the country tonight.

Nyland has killed Maison and is hunting for Dale. Sanderson and his men have cleaned up the bunch of guys that went out this morning to wipe Sanderson out. And Sanderson is looking for Dale. And after he gets Dale he'll come for you, for he's seeing red, for sure.

”I ain't interfering. This is one of the times when the law don't see anything--and don't want to see anything. I won't touch Nyland for killing Maison, and I won't lay a finger on Sanderson if he shoots the gizzard out of you. There's a train out of here in fifteen minutes. I give you your chance--take the train or take your chance with Sanderson!”

”I'll take the train,” declared Silverthorn.

Fifteen minutes later, white and scared, he was sitting in a coach, cringing far back into one of the seats, cursing, for it seemed to him that the train would never start.



Dale did not miss Ben Nyland by more than a few hundred yards as he pa.s.sed through the neck of the basin. But the men could not see each other in the black shadows cast by the somber mountains that guarded the entrance to the basin, and so they sped on, one headed away from Okar and one toward it, each man nursing his bitter thoughts; one intent on killing and the other riding to escape the death that, he felt, was imminent.

Dale reached the Bar D and pulled the saddle and bridle from his horse.

He caught up a fresh animal, threw saddle and bridle on him, and then ran into the house to get some things that he thought might be valuable to him.

He came out again, and nervously paused on the threshold of the door to listen.

A sound reached his ears--the heavy drumming of a horse's hoofs on the hard sand in the vicinity of the ranchhouse; and Dale gulped down his fear as he ran to his horse, threw himself into the saddle and raced around a corner of the house.

He had hardly vanished into the gloom of the night when another rider burst into view.

The second rider was Sanderson. He did not halt Streak at the door of the Bar D ranchhouse, for from a distance he had seen a man throw himself upon a horse and dash away, and he knew of no man in the basin, except Dale, who would find it necessary to run from his home in that fas.h.i.+on.

So he kept Streak in the dead run he had been in when approaching the house, and when he reached the corner around which Dale had vanished, he saw his man, two or three hundred yards ahead, flas.h.i.+ng across a level toward the far side of the big basin.

He knew that Dale thought his pursuer was Nyland, and that thought gave Sanderson a grim joy. In Sanderson's mind was a picture of Dale's face--of the stark, naked astonishment that would be on it when he discovered that it was Sanderson and not Nyland who had caught him.