Part 23 (1/1)
Review Questions. Part Two
What is the estimate of the number of members in the church at the end of the first century? What evidence of this is found in the Catacombs of Rome? What evidence is given by a letter? Who wrote this letter, and when was it written? Was the church at this time Jewish or Gentile? What was the relation of Jewish believers to the church? Of what social elements was the church composed? How was the church organized at this time? What references to ”bishops” are found in the New Testament, and what do they indicate? How did the bishops grow to be rulers in the church? What two inst.i.tutions of the church are referred to? How was the Lord's Supper observed in the earliest church?
What changes arose in the method of administration?
How did the first day of the week come to be recognized in the church? What was the doctrinal system of this time? What was the literature of the church? What books were at first questioned? What was the spiritual condition of the church as compared with earlier periods? What may have caused the decline in spiritual fervor?