Part 10 (1/2)

8. =A Visit to Peraea.= (From Bethany to Ephraim and Peraea.) Trace the journey from John 11. 54, and Mark 10. 1. Jesus stayed some months in Peraea, preaching to his people.

Many events might be given with this Peraean ministry, of which we name only, 1.) =Blessing the Children= (Mark 10. 13-16). 2.) =The Rich Young Ruler= (Mark 10. 17-25). 3.) =Parable of the Prodigal Son= (Luke 15.


9. =A Second Visit to Bethany.= (From Peraea, through Jericho, to Bethany.) Notice the journey in Mark 10. 32, 46; John 12. 1.

With this journey notice the events, 1.) =The Healing of Bartimaeus= (Mark 10. 46, 52). 2.) =The Visit to Zacchaeus= (Luke 19. 1-10). 3.) =The Anointing by Mary= (John 12. 1-8). This brings the life of Christ within one week of the Crucifixion, and completes the period.

Blackboard Outline

I. =Gen. Asp.= 1. Year. 2. Wan. 3. Ret. 4. Ins. 5. Opp.

II. =Loc. Per.= La. Ph. Dec. Cit. C. P. B. C. B. J. J. B. E.

III. =Jour.= 1. =Vis. Phoe.= 1.) Syr. Wom. Dau.

2. =Vis. Dec.= 1.) He. De. M. 2.) Fe. Fou. Thou.

3. =Vis. Ces. Phil.= 1.) Hea. Bl. M. 2.) Pet. Con. 3.) Trans.

4.) Hea. Dem. B.

4. =Vis. Cap.= 1.) Ch. Mid.

5. =Vis. Jer.= 1.) Rej. Sam. 2.) M. and M. 3.) P. Sil.

4.) G. Sh.

6. =Vis. Beth.= 1.) Sen. 70.

7. =Vis. Beth.= 1.) Rai. Laz.

8. =Vis. Per.= 1.) Bl. Ch. 2.) R. Yo. Ru. 3.) Par. Prod. So.

9. =Sec. Vis. Beth.= 1.) Hea. Bar. 2.) Vis. Zac.

3.) Anoin. Ma.

Review Questions

With what event does the Year of Opposition begin?

With what does it end? How long was it? Where was it pa.s.sed? How did it differ from the preceding year? Why did Jesus seek retirement at this time? What was the feeling of the people toward Jesus? What land outside of Palestine was visited by Jesus? What miracle was wrought during this visit? Where was the Second Journey of this Period? What two miracles were wrought at this time? What was the Third Journey? Name four events connected with this journey. What was the Fourth Journey? The Fifth Journey? Name four events with this journey. Where did Jesus go for the Sixth Journey? Whom did he send out at this time, and for what purpose? What was the place and what the purpose of the Seventh Journey? Where was the Eighth Journey?

What took place with this journey? What was the Ninth Journey? Name three events of this journey.


The Week of the Pa.s.sion

From the Triumphal Entry Until the Agony in the Garden

I. =General View of the Period.=

1. Our studies have now reached the close of the Saviour's ministry and have brought us to his =last visit to Jerusalem=. This period presents the last appeal of Jesus to the Jewish people and his final conversations with his disciples before his death.