Part 10 (1/2)

Elizabeth-Ronan's mate-and Cherie, Scott, and Rebecca, another Kodiak bear, were with Olaf, Ronan hulking in the background while he talked to Spike and the Morrisseys.

”Thank you, Olaf,” Maria said, taking the pencils and putting them into her purse.

”Why did you get up early to take a test?” Jordan, Spike's four-year-old cub, asked her. ”That's no fun.”

”You should write the answers on your hands,” Scott said. A large bear s.h.i.+fter of about thirty years, he seemed calm this morning, not in the frenzy of his Transition. ”Always worked for me.”

”It's not that kind of test,” Maria said, laughing. ”I think they check for that anyway.”

”Aw. Too bad.” Scott grinned.

”I still don't see why she has to go,” Jordan said. ”Stay home and play with me, Maria.”

Connor, who was waiting impatiently at the bottom of the porch steps, said to Jordan, ”You'll understand when you're older, laddie. We need to go.”

Difficult to leave when all of s.h.i.+ftertown-at least this block-had turned out to see her off. Maria had talked about her ambitions to very few, but this morning, so many seemed to know her secret, and they were excited for her. Hard to keep anything quiet in s.h.i.+ftertown. Maria warmed though, at the send-off.

Spike's mate, Myka, a human woman who trained horses for a living, was also making an early start. Horses liked early, she said. She hugged Maria. ”You'll bust chops,” she said. ”That means you'll do well.”

Glory almost lifted Maria off her feet with her hug. ”You go, girl. I'm so proud of you.”

Andrea had another hug, and this time Kenny was awake and talking to himself in wordless sounds. Maria kissed both him and Andrea.

That made Olaf and Jordan clamor for kisses and hugs before she went. Maria bent down to hug each in turn, having to pry them away from her and promise more hugs when she came home.

The only s.h.i.+fter missing was Ellison. She kept glancing at his closed house, but she heard nothing from within. Maybe Ellison had simply gone inside and fallen asleep after staying up all night watching her house from his porch. He had to sleep sometime.

Maria swallowed her disappointment and turned to follow Connor to Dylan's pickup, which she and Connor were borrowing. Tiger was tinkering with something under the hood, and he dropped the hood closed, watching Maria quietly with his strange eyes when she and Connor approached.

Ellison still didn't appear as Maria took the keys from Connor and got into the driver's side of the truck.

”You know, I do know how to drive,” Connor said, hopping into the pa.s.senger seat.

”I know. I've ridden with you. I want to get there in one piece.”

Maria looked behind her, but Ellison's house remained quiet, the doors closed. Well, she would go over when she came home. She and Ellison weren't mates or married. Just friends.

And lovers. Maria s.h.i.+vered as the heat of yesterday afternoon slid over her again. She started the truck, smiled at Tiger, who returned her look without changing expression, and pulled onto the street.

Behind her the Morrisseys, Ronan's family, and Spike's family all waved and cheered for her. A warmth spread in Maria's heart. She'd been trying so hard to survive on her own that she hadn't realized she'd created a family for herself right here, without knowing it.

”Test me while we go,” Maria said to Connor.

Connor unfolded the sample book he'd had ready in his hands, and started asking her questions. Maria had chosen to take one of the biology subject tests. She'd studied and studied, with Connor's help, for the last six months. She'd learned so much-knew the sample tests back and forth-but knots formed in her stomach. What if she went blank when the actual test lay in front of her? What if she couldn't remember anything?

She shouldn't have let Ellison take her out yesterday. She should have broken away from him and shut herself in the house. She was tired now, and so distracted by thoughts of Ellison, bare in the water . . .

”I said, what is found in DNA but not RNA?” Connor asked. ”Is it, a) . . .”

”Um. Thymine. Right?”

”Yes, right. Concentrate.”

”I'm trying.”

Connor shook his head as he turned the page. ”That's what mating frenzy does to you. Clouds your brain to everything but mating. At least, that's what I hear. I won't have that joy for a few years yet.”

”I don't have mating frenzy,” Maria said firmly. ”I'm not a s.h.i.+fter.”

”But you had s.e.x with Ellison, you can't stop thinking about it, and you want to do it again. That's mating frenzy.”

Maria clutched the steering wheel. ”Who told you that? Why can't s.h.i.+fters mind their own business?”

”Well, that would be boring, wouldn't it, now?” Connor grinned over at her. ”And it's true, isn't it? You didn't have to tell me anything. Scent doesn't lie.”

Andrea had known too, right away. Maria heaved a sigh. ”If I admit that yes, I had s.e.x with Ellison, will you stop talking about it?”

”Nah.” Connor laughed. ”It's fun to see you blush. So what about it? Ellison's dying for a mate. Sun and moon, eh? We're loving all the mating ceremonies around here. Nice excuse to get drunk and party.”

”Connor. I have to take my SATs this morning. Can we talk about mating later?”

”Sure. Next question . . .”

Fortunately, the drive to the school that was administering the test didn't take long. Maria parked in the front parking lot, her stomach knotting even more. Connor got out of the truck with her and gave her a long hug.

”You'll do great. And I'll be right here to pour you back into the truck when you're done and take you home. Or out for a drink. I remember when I finished my SATs. I was all wound up, and I wanted to sleep for a week.”

”Thanks, Connor.” Maria returned the hug. Connor had dark hair and blue eyes like his uncles and grandfather, his body already filling out to their formidable bulks. Girls liked to stare at him, and when Connor finished his Transition years from now, he was going to be in high demand. ”You've helped me so much.”

”Hey, we have to stick together. I'm not old enough to take my place in the hierarchy yet, so who knows where I fit in? You're trying to figure out your place too. That makes us automatic friends.”

He pulled Maria close for another hard embrace. Rea.s.surance, comfort-s.h.i.+fters knew how to give it. Maria hugged him back, grateful for his unconditional acceptance.

Finally Connor released her, patted her shoulder, and held out his hand. ”Cell phone.”

Maria turned it over. Cell phones and the like weren't allowed at the test. She had to go alone with her calculator and the host of number 2 pencils Olaf had given her. Connor pocketed the phone, clasped Maria's shoulder again, and sent her off toward the building with a little shove.

Maria looked back as she walked down the curved sidewalk. Connor had climbed into the bed of the truck, leaning back with his feet up, to read a newspaper. He'd wait for her. He'd be here, her anchor.

The kids who'd come to take the test this morning were all about ten years younger than Maria, excepting a few adults who, like her, were hoping to go to college for the first time. America was a fine place, she thought as she walked. Here, a person of eighty years old could decide it was time to get a college education and go. It cost money, but there were ways to find it and people who would help. Maria had explored every avenue and put together a plan to combine scholars.h.i.+p opportunities with working. It would be tough, but she would do it.

An air of antic.i.p.ation hung over the building Maria entered. She checked in, following the directions to the room where she'd take her test. Kids who knew each other talked excitedly, hiding their nervousness, while others found seats, eyes wide with antic.i.p.ation.

The current of anxiousness was palpable. Maybe Maria had lived with s.h.i.+fters too long, because she picked up every nuance of worry, fear, and excitement.

She chose a desk near windows that overlooked the parking lot. Maria could see Connor lounging in the truck fifty yards from her, the sight of him rea.s.suring. Connor had been such a help to her ever since she arrived. She couldn't imagine surviving this long in s.h.i.+ftertown without Connor. Or Ellison.