1 Strangers (1/1)

Fated Life Suzuya_Juzuo 16270K 2022-07-22

++Elizabeth's POV++

I woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps outside my bedroom door. Slowly, I got off my bed and walked towards the door. In case I need to use something for self defense, I keep a metal baseball bat beside my nightstand. I took the metal baseball bat carefully without making a sound.

My room is just near the stairs and has a clear view of the living room. Gently turning the door knob, I peeked through the small space. I saw two people wearing trench coats, both of them standing near the couch. One of them was wearing a black fedora hat and the other without one. One thing is common between them aside from the tough faces and rigid posture, both of them have a small tattoo just below their left ear.

The sound of a door opening from my parent's room alerted the men and they sat on the couch.

I saw my mother coming out of their room. Her blonde hair was tied into a bun. Wrapping her pale pink robe around her, she went down the stairs and walked towards the two men sitting on the couch.

”What are you doing here?” She questioned. Aiming it to the guy wearing the fedora hat.

”We need her back.” He said. He stood up and extended a hand to greet her, but she ignored the gesture.

”What do you mean that you need her back? It's not yet time for her to go back with you.” She said. Surprised at the sudden order from him. It was her daughter that they were talking about. No mother would let their child go that easily.

Listening to their conversation, my face wrinkled up. 'What does she mean about it being not yet time?'

”The King is waiting for his daughter, it's almost time and we need her.” The man answered. He nodded to his partner signaling to go to my room. Following the order, the other guy started to walk toward my direction. I quickly but carefully shut the door. My heart was pounding. I don't know these men. Where will they take me? I don't want to leave my family behind like this.

”Laura.” My father called my mom. I opened my door again just in time to see him walking out of the master's bedroom and towards the living room where they were standing. He placed his right hand on her right shoulder in a protective manner, eyeing the two men in front of them.

”Peter.” She said with a resigned tone. She looked up at him then back at the two men.

Apparently hearing the conversation that took place, my father sighed. They wanted to take his daughter. If the King issued the order, he has no power to go against it. ”Alright, we'll be giving her back to you however we need some time with her. We need to let her know about the truth and to give her some time to adjust. One week is all we need.”

”Please” Laura looked at them with pleading eyes.

The guy with the hat said, ”Alright, we'll give you some time. Once a week has passed we'll be back to fetch her, no more time extensions. The King wishes to take her as soon as possible.” He tipped his hat to greet them farewell. He placed his hand back in his coat pocket and pivoted to face the front door. The other one followed. Before the man with the hat walked out, he looked to his right--at my direction--and gave a toothy grin. His pointy, elongated canines protruding. The Fedora Man turned the doorknob, pushed the door and stepped out. He was followed by his partner.

I slowly closed the door, placed the bat carefully making sure that there will be no sound once I put it back. Walking slowly towards my bed, I sat down at the edge of it.

'Okay. Who are these people?' 'What's going on? What king?'

All of what I've heard is making me feel confused. Its too early in the morning to think about what happened. I'll have to talk to my parents in the morning. Hoping that mom and dad can clear my confusion and answer my questions, I laid my body on the soft bed and covered myself with the red and black comforter. Sighing as the warmth of my blanket enveloped me, I closed my eyes. My breathing became relaxed as I sink into sleep, slowly welcoming the darkness.