Part 47 (1/2)

Six Months Later Somewhere in the Chaston Ocean Blood splattered Sir Blaze's face as he fought, empty handed, amidst a ma.s.s of shrieking, sword-wielding men. Blaze's foster daughter, Dame Sun, half dragged by a tall, black-haired, ebony-skinned man, turned, raising her arm in time to stop the deadly blow aimed at her head as Blaze raced towards the couple.

Stone buzzards circled in the sky as battle raged amidst the bloodied sands of Upper Kenna.

Lock leapt out of his cot, gasping, his heart pounding. He stared, wide-eyed around the chamber, taking a moment to rejoin the solid world.

”What is it, love?” Sparrow, sat up, running a hand through her long, fawn-colored hair and blinking sleep from her eyes. She stood, touching a hand to the Knight's perspiring face. ”Another dream?”


”Vision. I'm sorry.” Sparrow slipped her small hand into his.

”I have to go to the Kennas.” Lock dragged on trousers and his black tunic. He jerked his ma.s.s of kinky brown and white hair into a tail at his nape, his gaze fixed on Sparrow. ”There's some kind of battle going on. Blaze and Sun are in the thick of it. And there was a dark man I didn't recognize.”


”I don't know. I'll drop you at the nearest port.”

Sparrow shook her head. ”I'm going with you.”

”No. I won't argue about it, girl.”

”Good to know that.” She also dressed. ”It would be a waste of valuable time.”

”I mean it. Don't push me on this, Sparrow!” Lock growled.

”Be reasonable. If there's trouble going on, I'll be invaluable to you. I speak all the dialects of the Kennas. By the Spirit, Lock, that's why I'm on board the d.a.m.n s.h.i.+p with you in the first place! I'm an amba.s.sador for the Ruby Order!”

”Amba.s.sador, not a warrior.”

”While you're fighting with me, you could be turning this s.h.i.+p around. You know I'm right.”

The anger in Lock's voice was a contrast to the tender kiss he pressed to her forehead. ”Doesn't mean I have to like it.”

He strode out of the cabin, and Sparrow hurried to keep up with him. He told his first mate to a.s.semble the crew.

Within moments, the s.h.i.+p turned, its sails billowing and its sharp nose cutting the water as it sped toward the Kennas, to Blaze, his foster daughter, and the mysterious dark-skinned man.

The End.