Part 34 (1/2)

Sparrow's legs entwined with his. The bottom of her feet caressed his hair-roughened calves. Her hips lifted, meeting his thrust for thrust.

”Lock, oh, Lock!” she cried, clinging to him tightly as another marvelous o.r.g.a.s.m built deep inside her.

The first pulses of her p.u.s.s.y dragged him along with her and he called her name in a voice raw with pa.s.sion. Sparrow gripped the heated muscles of his broad back as he surged inside her, his big body slamming hers into the bed.

With a groan, he rolled onto his side and held her close.

She lay in his arms, feeling the rise and fall of his chest against her back as he slept. She didn't try to sleep. She wanted to remember every moment of that night-the last she would ever spend with the pirate Lock the White.

”Sparrow, wait!”

Sparrow glanced over her shoulder at Ilias who jogged up the dirt road toward her.

He fell into step beside her, panting. ”You walk at a good clip. Where are you going? I saw you leave the s.h.i.+p while I was delivering some of the Captain's supplies.”

”I'm just going for a walk. I was sick of being stuck on the s.h.i.+p.”

”Walk?” Ilias's dark eyes narrowed at the satchel and water flask Sparrow carried. ”With all your belongings?”

”Ilias, just leave me alone, please. It'll be better for both of us if you go back to the s.h.i.+p. I don't want Lock getting any ideas.”

”About what?” Ilias looked worried. ”I knew it! You're running from him, aren't you? He's never mistreated you, has he? Not that there's much I could do about it, but I'd take a shot at killing him when he's asleep-”

”Ilias!” Sparrow shook his shoulder. ”I don't want you trying to kill anybody, least of all Lock.”

”Good, because he'd smash me into shark feed.”

”He's never mistreated me-at least not physically.” She closed her eyes momentarily, remembering the warmth of his body against hers the night before. If only morning had never come. ”I just can't live on the Lady Fire anymore. I can't watch him throw his life away and become the same monster he was when we first met. He's headed on a path of destruction, not only his own, but of anyone who gets in his way. The trouble is, even he doesn't know where his way leads.”

”Well do you know anyone in these parts? Do you have any money? Anywhere to stay?”

”I'll find something. I've been in a situation like this before. I'll survive.”

Ilias gently clasped her wrist and tugged her toward another pathway. ”Come with me. I can help you.”

”Where are we going?”

”In the market, some gypsies were selling their wares. I spoke with them. One of the women is a cousin of my mother's. They'll give you a safe place to stay. If they like you, they might even let you work with them. And they'll know how to keep you hidden when Lock comes looking for you.”

Sparrow held his eyes. ”So you think he'll follow me?”

”Do cows s.h.i.+t in the field? The man would be insane to let you go...” Ilias blushed. ”Sorry, but it's the truth, Sparrow.”

”I'm really going to miss you, Ilias. You've been a good friend.”

”You, too. I wouldn't take anyone but a close friend to the gypsies-nor would they accept anyone but a close friend of one of their own. We're a close knit people, as you'll see.”

”You know if Lock finds out what you've done he might kill you. It seems all he's capable of lately is violence.”

”I think I have to risk it this time. You don't belong on the Lady Fire.”

”I'll never forget this, but I think I have a plan. Once you introduce me to your friends, and if they're willing to accept me, I'll return with you to the market. You make sure you stay with Lock and I'll say I'm going back to the s.h.i.+p. That way he'll have no way of blaming you when I disappear.”

Ilias winked. ”I think you've been hanging around us pirates too long.”

Far too long for my taste, Sparrow thought as they continued over the hillside.

”Ilias,” Lock called across the deck.

The crewman approached. ”Captain?”

”Sparrow's not below. Have you seen her? She should have been back by now.”

”Haven't seen her since she left us in the market this afternoon.”

Lock glanced skyward, concerned. It would be dark soon. Sparrow should have been on board. ”Find ten men and come ash.o.r.e with me. We have to find her before nightfall.”

Ilias nodded and shouted for the nearest crewmen. Lock's eyes swept the dock, hoping for some sign of her. She'd told him hours ago, she was returning to the s.h.i.+p. What if something had happened to her on the way back from the market? The market was no more than a ten minute walk to the s.h.i.+p, but someone could have robbed her, raped her, killed...No! He wouldn't think of it! Why had he let her go alone? Rhahas was one of the safest settlements he knew. There was little crime, and she said she was sick of him sending Ilias with her like a guard dog wherever she went. He wished he'd have sent the man with her today.

Lock took Sea Storm ash.o.r.e again. He could cover more ground on horseback while the others searched on foot. They would meet back at the s.h.i.+p after dark.

Lock rode through the dock and the marketplace, watching as vendors packed away their wares. He questioned several people, and a few remembered seeing Sparrow earlier that day, but not recently.

He searched the nearby village and traveled the dirt road to the next settlement.

Glancing skyward, he felt fear crawling inside him. The moon had risen and he had to report back to the s.h.i.+p. Maybe Ilias or the others had found Sparrow. In spite of his hope, a feeling of dread made his stomach twist and his heart pound. If anything had happened to her-anything-he'd never forgive himself.

When he arrived at the dock, the men waited.

”She's nowhere, Captain.”


”Get the rest of the men off that s.h.i.+p! Leave just enough crew to keep guard. I want the rest looking for her.”

One of the men raised his eyes skyward and said, ”But she's not-”

Lock pulled the dagger from the sheath about his waist and pressed it beneath the crewman's chin. ”Do what I tell you or I'll slit your throat. And when she's found, not a hair on her head better be harmed.”

Lock mounted Sea Storm and galloped toward the wood, hopeful and terrified of what he might find.

”What's wrong with you? You have to eat more than that!”

Sparrow glanced at the attractive gray-eyed woman seated beside her. Dressed in a flowing maroon dress, her dark hair braided down her back, the woman spoke to Sparrow in her deep, lightly-accented voice. When she addressed the members of the campsite, she used a language completely unfamiliar to Sparrow. It was the old gypsy language, exclusive to their people. Now that Sparrow had joined their group, she was determined to add their language to the vast collection already stored in her mind. At least she hoped studying something new would keep her from dwelling on Lock.

”I'm just not hungry right now.”