Part 10 (2/2)
Sparrow shrugged, wis.h.i.+ng to appear indifferent though it was her favorite.
”You'll have to unchain me so I can take off this dress and bathe,” she said.
He laughed. ”Just like you unchained me and gave me privacy?”
”What do you care about privacy?”
”That's beside the point.”
She placed her hands on her hips. ”How am I suppose to bathe, then?”
He took up a cooking knife, and approached.
”No!” she screamed. She hadn't been so fearful of him in days, but she'd been a fool to think he-the worst pirate of the SothSeas-could ever change. He still had the heart of a murderer, not matter what she might have felt for him. ”Lock, no! You don't want to kill me!”
”Kill you?” He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. She kicked at him, but he caught her foot. She clutched a handful of his beard and pulled hard, but he grasped her arms and wrenched them behind her back, holding them with one hand while he used the other to slice off her dress.
”You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” He had no respect for her at all! None! She willed herself not to shed tears of rage and frustration.
Lock threw the knife aside and picked her up. Sparrow's arms looped instinctively around his neck. Her heart pounded with rage and desire. The sensation of her naked curves pressed against his hard body made her insides riot. Lock dropped her in the warm water, and tossed her the soap. Then he dragged a chair in front of the tub and straddled it backwards, his eyes fixed on her. ”Better wash before it cools, girl, because you're not getting out of there until you're clean.”
”I hate you!” she seethed. ”I hate the sight of you! I wish you were dead!”
He smiled. ”That's more like it.”
”If I didn't hate you so much, I'd pity you! You're pathetic! Blaming the whole world because you're sc.u.m! Not all women are your mother, Lock, and not all men are bounty hunters!”
His smile faded as he stood, kicking the chair aside. ”If you're not going to clean yourself, looks like I'll have to do it!”
”Touch me and I'll rip out those demon's eyes of yours!”
”You can have fun trying.”
He squatted behind her, one arm snaking around her shoulders, holding her arms immobile while he used his free hand to search for the soap in the heated water. He felt beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stroked her belly, circling her navel with the tip of his finger. ”It's not here.”
He cupped her b.u.t.tocks and squeezed, then gently prodded the soft flesh between her bottom cheeks. Except for her pounding heart and agitated breathing, Sparrow remained stock still as his finger poked the tight little hole and slipped partway in. ”Not there. Where is that elusive soap, Princess?”
”You're an animal!” she snarled as the finger slipped out and his hand dipped between her legs while he nipped her ear.
His palm slipped over her inner thigh as he found the scented bar and ran it over her belly. He soaped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, paying careful attention to her nipples. His touch was incredibly gentle. As he washed her skin, his lips and tongue traced her shoulder and the shape of her ear.
Sparrow felt herself weakening in his grasp. She wondered if he'd stop if she told him too. She was almost afraid to find out. If he didn't, then her worst fear would be confirmed: he was capable of rape. If he did, then his carnal ministrations would stop and she'd be left again with unfulfilled pa.s.sion. That's crazy, Sparrow! If he was a rapist, he wouldn't bother fondling her. His touch was clearly intended to arouse, an inclination no rapist would have.
”What is it, Princess?” he whispered against her ear, his beard tickling her neck. ”You want to wash yourself instead of having me do it?”
”And if I did?” She felt something cold against her back and remembered the key he kept around his neck. If she could only steal it back without him noticing. Perhaps she could engross him so deeply in pleasures of the flesh that he wouldn't know or care if she took the key. d.a.m.n! The pirate's lecherous ways had infected her. The means of her plan seemed even more satisfying to her than the end!
”If that's what you want, as long as you're clean.” Lock dropped the soap and began moving away.
”Wait!” She turned, grasping his wrist and tugging him closer. He squatted beside the tub and she kissed him, her tongue circling his mouth and parting his lips. ”You have such a marvelous mouth, Lock.”
He glanced at her warily, but she tilted her face to his again, and his mouth covered hers. When he broke the kiss, Sparrow felt his reluctance and her stomach fluttered, both from the knowledge that she was luring him and from the l.u.s.t he inspired in her. Lock moved from the back of the tub and again found the soap beneath the warm water. He lathered his hands and ran them over her shoulders, under her arms, across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Sparrow tugged off his open s.h.i.+rt and tossed it aside, splaying her wet hands across his chest. Leaning forward, she circled his nipple with the tip of her tongue, tentative at first. He sighed, murmuring her name. Sparrow's fingers gripped his ribs while she used the flat of her tongue to lave his nipple then taste every inch of his hard, hair-roughened chest. By the twin G.o.ddesses, she could touch him all night! However she had a more important agenda than attaining personal pleasure. She traced the rope around his neck, pressed the key to his breastbone then, to avoid suspicion, continued her caresses.
Lock resisted the urge to moan with pleasure as Sparrow licked and nipped his entire chest. The woman was like a volcano in her pa.s.sion, still and seemingly harmless at first, then explosive. Actually she had him about ready to explode. His heart pounded and his c.o.c.k felt ready to burst through his trousers. Sparrow rose to her knees so she could better explore him. One of her small hands strayed down his belly then she gripped his c.o.c.k.
”That's it, girl,” he murmured. ”You know what I want.”
”Oh yes, Lock,” she murmured between the kisses she sprinkled over his ribs. ”Since we've made love, I feel I know you so much better.”
”I knew you wouldn't be able to get enough of it once you got a taste.” He stopped speaking and drew a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she tugged down his trousers. Lock stood and kicked them aside, noting the l.u.s.ty gleam in her eyes as her gaze swept his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s then lingered over his heavily-muscled legs.
”Come closer,” she whispered.
He stepped nearer.
Sparrow gazed up at him, water misting her face and streaking her firm, beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s. ”I've heard stories about men liking women to-”
”To what?” he pressed, licking his lips which had suddenly gone dry. With her kneeling in the tub and him standing, she was almost facing his c.o.c.k directly. He hoped she was contemplating what he thought she was contemplating.
”I couldn't.” She blushed suddenly and sank back into the tub.
”Say it, girl! I guarantee it'll be nothing I haven't heard a or done a before.”
”Then I guess it wouldn't be as pleasing for you as I thought, for me to-”
”To what?” Lock tried to keep the agitation from his voice. The image of her soft, delicate lips fastened around his c.o.c.k was enough to make him pole hard. His rod already stood out stiff and aching, an invitation for her sweet lips and moist tongue.
She gazed at him, the sultry look in her usually innocent eyes making his head spin. ”To use my mouth on your...” She reached out and trailed a fingertip down the length of his c.o.c.k.
”It'd please me.”
”Even if I've never had experience in doing such a thing?”
”Oh, girl, that's one thing I can teach you well.”
Sparrow smiled and rested her hands on his hips as he stepped nearer. Her mouth hovered so close to his c.o.c.k he could feel her breath fanning the sensitive skin. For a moment he thought she might change her mind, then she buried her lips in his pubic hair and kissed his length from root to head. The tip of her tongue traced delicate shapes along the underside.
Lock's fingers sifted through her hair and his b.u.t.tocks tensed as she gripped it with strong fingers, kneading the tight globes while she licked every inch of his c.o.c.k. Her lips fondled his b.a.l.l.s before she took his c.o.c.k head into her mouth. She paused, and he groaned, ”Don't stop. Suck.”
She drew him deeper, sucking and swirling her tongue over the head and up the shaft. Her fingers prodded between his bottom cheeks as he'd done to her, pressing against the ring of muscle.
Sparrow drew back slowly and gazed up at him. ”How was that?”
In reply, Lock grasped her arms and dragged her to his chest as his mouth devoured hers. Sparrow moaned and writhed against him, slipping one of her hands between them and curling her fingers around the key dangling from his neck.