Part 9 (1/2)

He kissed her hard, as if he could absorb her very soul. His mouth trailed down her throat and fastened on the rosy spike of one nipple. Her gasp was almost a sob as he licked and sucked while his hand kneaded the soft circle of her other breast. She clutched his shoulders and locked her legs around his waist as he s.h.i.+fted into her, slow and smooth, giving her time to accept his length and girth.

The sensation of him deep inside her p.u.s.s.y momentarily broke her reverie. Her eyes snapped open. Again, she was dragged beneath the blue surface of his eyes. As he moved slowly, gently within her, she felt like she'd been possessed by the wildest creature on earth, tamed only for her.

She closed her eyes as pleasure crept back into her body and blocked her mind of all thoughts except reaching the plateau toward which he was driving them.

She clung to him, and his voice was a ragged command in her ear as he said, ”Harder, Princess. Hold me as hard as you can.”

She clutched his slick flesh. Her own body felt like she'd been thrust into an inferno as his thrusts became shorter and faster, his c.o.c.k seeming to fill her more completely than she'd ever dreamed possible. She exploded in a climax that made the world go black. She could no longer see, only feel. She heard his cry of fulfillment as he rammed into her quivering body, then stiffened and pulsed, his every muscle tense before he collapsed atop her.

He rolled onto his side and dragged her to his chest, one leg draped over both of hers, his chin resting on top of her head.

Sparrow closed her eyes and snuggled close to him, a smile on her lips.

”Don't fall asleep on me, girl.” She felt the rumble of laughter in his chest. ”We've only just begun.”

Sparrow's belly tightened. What had started out as the worst night of her life had suddenly become the best.

Sparrow awoke with a smile on her lips that faded when she opened her eyes and realized she was on the floor. No, she was actually chained to the floor.

She noticed Lock seated at the table, eating his morning meal and staring at her with none of the tenderness she'd seen in his eyes the night before. He wore only trousers and boots, his torso bare, the key to the shackles dangling from a piece of rope around his neck.

”What the h.e.l.l is this?” she demanded, shaking the chains binding her feet.

”I found a solution to our problem.”


”From now on, Sparrow, this is my farm. You're my slave.”

”This is ridiculous! Get these chains off me!”

He smiled, leaning back in his chair and watching her struggle against her bonds.

”You won't get away with this!” Sparrow snarled.

”Of course I will. Those two girls who work for you left to visit relatives with their mother. They won't be back for weeks. No one else ever comes to this farm. It's just us, Princess.”

”Lock, think about this,” she pleaded, torn between fury and pain. ”I know you care about me. You're just doing this for spite. After last night, you can't possibly-”

”Last night was a release both of us have wanted for months. Nothing more.”

Sparrow stared at him, wondering if he saw how his words lacerated her. Last night had been more than a s.e.xual game to her. She cared for him, and she knew that beneath his icy barrier, he cared for her, too.


”Just call me master.” He stood, tossing her a hateful smile before leaving the house.

”Wait!” she shouted. ”d.a.m.n you, Lock! Listen to me!”

Halfway out the door, he glanced over his shoulder.

”Make sure you take care of my animals,” she said. ”Don't forget to milk my cow, and be nice to her!”

”Be nice to a cow?”

Sparrow poked her finger so hard in his direction her chains rattled. ”Just do what I tell you!”

”You're hardly in the position to be making demands.”

”Listen to me, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! This farm is all I have! Have you ever worked a farm in your life? Do you know what you're doing out there?”

He looked disgusted. ”I can't believe what I'm hearing. It's a farm. How hard can it be to run?”

”Just milk the cow before you do anything.”

He stepped back inside, his arms folded across his chest as he stalked her, standing just shy of her grasp. ”Like that cow, do you?”

Sparrow paused, her eyes on his. He'd do anything to spite her. She knew it. Even after what they'd shared last night, even after she'd saved his life. It was her initial act of kindness that seemed to infuriate him the most.

”Why are you so angry with me for helping you?” she asked.

”By keeping me chained like an animal? Fine help you were.”

”You know what I mean, Lock.”

”Maybe this experience will teach you to mind your own business.”

This time when he left, he didn't return in spite of her call for him to come back.

Sparrow grasped the chains and pulled, getting nothing for her effort except sore hands, but even Lock had difficulty ripping the chains from the floor. She was still amazed he'd been able to do it. She wondered why he hadn't done it before. Perhaps even he hadn't realized he'd had the ability. She'd never seen anyone as furious as he'd been at the thieves, and she knew at times anger accentuated strength.

After the first hour of sitting on the floor staring around the room, she began to understand the extent of Lock's boredom.

By the time he returned to the house at dusk, she was actually grateful to have someone to talk to. She noted he looked hot and dirty, but that didn't stop him from tossing her a roguish grin.

”I hope you haven't ruined my farm.” She stood, tapping her foot. ”Did you feed the chickens and the pigs? I hope you let the horses out in the field, and you better have milked Daphne.”

”Daphne? You named the cow Daphne?”

”What's so funny.”

”That's a stupid name for a cow. Perhaps I shouldn't say that. You didn't name her after another relative, did you?”

Sparrow wondered if he saw how his words wounded her, but what could she expect from the cold, ignorant son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h?

”Did you do what I told you?” she demanded.