Part 28 (2/2)
Desiree had seated herself beside him, and the low tones of their voices came to me as I lay on the couch (which Desiree had insisted I should occupy) in an indistinct, musical murmur This for perhaps tenthe many weary hours that followed there was never a ainst the stone across the doore dared not trust our eyes
Usually Harry and Desiree watched together, and, when I relieved them, slept side by side on the couch
Souard alone; but Harry and I were never both asleep at the same time
An estiuess, for time was heavy and passed on leaden feet But I should say we had been i like four days, possibly five, when the monotony came to an abrupt end
I had come off watch, and Harry and Desiree had taken my place Before I lay down I had taken some water to the prisoner, for we had so him drink But of food he had had none
Harry told me afterward that I had slept for two or three hours, but it seemed to me rather as manytofrom the floor; already there was a space of a foot orit in silence
”You have seen nothing?” I asked, joining the,” said Harry ”Here, take one of these clubs So's up”
”Of course--the stone,” I observed facetiously, yawning ”Probably nothing more important than a bundle of quipos Lord, I'm sleepy!”
Still the stone ht of two feet, yet did not halt
”This is no quipos” said Harry, ”or if it is, theyto send us in a whole library Six inches would have been enough for that”
I nodded, keepingspace at our feet
”This o to the further corner, behind that seat”
She refused; I insisted; she staer
”Do you think I'm a child, to run and hide?” she deuo”, I said sternly, ”or I shall carry you and tie you This is not play We must have room and know that you are safe”
To my surprise, she made no reply, but quietly obeyed Then, struck by a sudden thought, I crossed to where she stood behind a stone seat in the corner
”Here,” I said in a low tone, taking the little jeweled dagger fro it out to her, ”in case--”
”I understand,” she said simply, and her hand closed over the hilt
By that ti a space over three feet high, and was still rising I stood on one side and Harry on the other, not caring to expose ourselves immediately in front
Suddenly he left his post and ran to one of the stone seats and began prying at the blocks of granite I saw at once his intention and ourbefore barricaded the door on the inside
But it was too late now; I knew froed blocks, and I called out:
”No good, Hal We were fools not to have thought of it before, but there is no time for it now Come back; I couldn't stop 'em alone”
Nevertheless, he continued his exertions, and succeeded in getting one of the blocks partially free; but by that time the dooras al further