Part 27 (1/2)
I ran to the figure on the floor and bent over hi to Harry to watch the corridor without, I quickly tore ers seemed to be made of steel--and bound the wrists and ankles of the Inca firagged hi it best to err on the side of prudence In another ed hiranite couch and covered him with its hide-cover
Then I turned to Harry:
”Is the coast clear?”
”Yes,” he answered from the doorway
”Then here--quick, rub Desiree--come!
There's not a second to lose”
”But, Paul--” she began; then, seeing the utter folly of any other course than instant flight, she sprang to Harry's side to assist him with the bundles of provisions
There was more than we could carry Harry and I each took a bundle under our left ar the clubs in the other hand Desiree attempted to take two bundles, but they were too heavy for her, and she was forced to drop one
With a last hasty glance at theand myself in the rear, with Desiree between us
But it was not to be so easy We were nearly to the door when there caranite dropped squarely across the doorith a crash that round tremble beneath our feet
Stupefied, we realized in a flash that the cunning of the Incas had proved too much for us Harry and I ran forward, but only to invite despair; the dooras completely covered by themore than an inch wide We were imprisoned beyond all hope of escape
We stood stunned; Desiree even azed at the blocked doorway in a sort of stupid wonder It was one of those sudden and overwhel catastrophes that deprive us for a moment of all power to reason or even to realize
Then Harry said quietly:
”Well, the game's up”
And Desiree turned to me with the cal us We were fools not to have known it”
”Ireed with Desiree; and though I could see no opening or crevice of any sort in the walls or ceiling, I was convinced that even then the eyes of the Incas were upon us
Our situation was indeed desperate With our every movement spied upon, surrounded by four solid walls of stone, and beyond the to tear us to pieces--ildest fancy could indulge in hope?
Then, glancing up, my eye was arrested by the heap under the cover in the corner There, in the person of the Inca king, lay our only advantage But how could we use it?
Desiree's voice came in the calm tones of despair:
”We are lost”
Harry crossed to her and took her in his arms
”I thank Heaven,” he said, ”that you are with us” Then he turned to me: ”I believe it is for the best, Paul There never was a chance for us; we ether, than--the other way”