Part 6 (1/2)

Under the Andes Rex Stout 24070K 2022-07-19

”With thanks”

I stared at hiet her and bring her here I'll find out what she wants,” and sat down on a bench to wait Harry departed for the hotel without a word

In a few minutes he returned with Le Mire I rose and proffered her a seat on the bench, which she accepted with a smile, and Harry sat down at her side I stood in front of them

”Le Mire,” said I, and I believe I frowned, ”my brother tells e”

”I have thanked him for it,” said she with a smile

”And declined it”

”And--declined it,” she agreed

”Well,” said I, ”I am not a man of half measures, as you will soon see, Le Mire Besides, I appreciate your power On the day,” I continued with slow precision--”on the day that you give me a contract to adhere to that refusal you may have my check for one million dollars”

She surprised er, with a touch of assumed hauteur; the surrender to follow, for I haddown at her, waiting for the flash of her eye, I was greeted by a burst of laughter--the frank laughter of genuine mirth Then she spoke:

”Oh, you Americans! You are so funny! A ry after such a compliment Besides, you are so funny! Do you not know Le Mire? Am I not a princess if I desire it--tomorrow--today? Bah! There is the world--is it not h! Pardon ly name

”You know my ancestors? De L'Enclos, Montalais, Maintenon, La Marana!

They were happy--in their way--and they were great Iunworthy of them Set your mind at rest, Mr Lamar; but, really, you should have known better--you who have seen the world and Le Mire in Paris! And now our amusement is perhaps ended? Noe must return to that awful New York? Voila!”

Indeed I had not understood her And how could I? There is only one such wo of her favorites By pure luck she sat before ed her presence with a deep bow of apology and adive me, madame,” I said, ”I will--not attempt to make reparation, for my words were not meant for you Consider them unspoken As for our aet? I see plainly I am not a St Evremond, but neither am I a fool My brother pleases you--well, there he is As for myself, I shall either stay to take care of you two children, or I shall return to New York, as you desire”

Le Mire looked at me uncertainly for a esture took his hand in her own and patted it gaily

Then she laughed the happy laugh of a child as she said:

”Then it is well! And, ht By all means, stay--we shall be so jolly! Will we not,at her But there was a troubled look in his face

Chapter IV


The events of the h, were of a similarity that would make their narration tedious, and I shall pass over them as speedily as possible

We re in the garden Le Mire, always in search of novelty, urged us away, and, since we really had nothing in view save the satisfaction of her whi-place, but Le Mire tired of it in a day

”I shall see the Pacific,” she said to Harry and me, and we immediately set out for San Francisco