Volume Ii Part 39 (1/2)
”Mon Dieu! are we surrounded by robbers?” exclaimed Honorine.
”This is very extraordinary!” said Paul; ”I have never seen him in such a fit of anger; he is ordinarily content to bark at people whom he doesn't like or doesn't know. But see what a frenzy he is in now; it is impossible to pacify him--he won't listen to me.”
Ami ascended the steps leading to the summer-house, and from there he leaped over the wall, and darted along the road. Paul hurried to the gate and started in pursuit of his dog. Edmond would have followed him, but the two ladies held him back, for they were afraid and unwilling to be left without a protector.
”Well, monsieur,” said Thelenie to her husband, as he entered her chamber, ”I gave you several commissions two or three days ago; I asked you to find out who that small boy was who threw stones at me, and who was the owner of an enormous dog that jumped at me; what have you found out?”
Chamoureau began by looking at himself in a mirror which happened to be in front of him--a habit common to many people, who, while they are talking to you, do not cease to ogle themselves; and those who do it are not the most comely!
”My dear love,” replied Chamoureau, after smiling at his image, ”as for the small boy, I know nothing as yet. The peasants are not always inclined to give you information when you question them; they imagine that you're making fun of them.--As for the dog, that's a different matter; I haven't found him yet--those that I've seen don't correspond with the description you gave me.”
”I might have known that you wouldn't be capable of discovering anything. Luckily, my friend the baron is here; I will place the matter in his hands, and he will be more skilful than you.”
”I don't know whether Monsieur de Schtapelmerg will be more skilful than I--in fact, I doubt it. Still, it's no wonder that I am preoccupied,--I have such an interesting question in my head.”
”For heaven's sake, what have you in your head, monsieur?”
”The age of trees, madame, the age of trees, which I mean to succeed in determining exactly.”
”What good will it do, monsieur? what's the use of knowing the exact age of a tree?”
”Why, madame, it will be a wonderful discovery, of the very greatest utility--for wood-choppers and dealers in wood! To be able to say the instant you see a tree: 'It is so old--it was born under such a reign;'--why, it will be magnificent! and I shall succeed in doing it!--Ah! here's our dear friend the Baron von Schtapelmerg.”
Croque entered the room; he was pale and haggard, and he did not walk with his usual swagger. He nodded to the husband and wife.
”Good-morning, n.o.ble baron,” said Chamoureau, offering him his hand.
”You're not ill, are you? You have rather a tired look this morning.”
”I slept badly; it doesn't amount to anything; it will disappear after a few puffs of smoke.”
”What a fellow! he prefers a pipe to a cigar!”
”We old soldiers are used to a pipe.”
”Have you served, baron?”
”Yes, I made the campaign of--of--the war against the Turks.”
”Ah! you have fought against the Turks; no doubt that was when you received that wound on the left cheek, which left you that n.o.ble scar?”
”Exactly; it was a lance thrust.”
”Do the Turks fight with lances?”