Volume Ii Part 7 (1/2)
”At that, the big man who was armed observed that I was a joker, that it was probably a prearranged scene, and the tall woman said:
”'I don't like jokes of this kind; I call it downright impertinent.'
”And they immediately shut the door in my face, just as the little man who was dancing posed as _Zephir_.”
”Monsieur must have called at Madame Droguet's!” said Agathe, laughingly.
”Ah! that lady's name is Droguet, is it? it is well suited to her.--Appalled by my inhospitable reception, I walked on through the streets, shouting exactly like a crier announcing the loss of some object or the approach of the day when taxes must be paid; in villages they never fail to make that announcement, in order to stimulate the zeal of the taxpayers. But your servant came to my rescue, madame, and guided me here.”
”And now, Freluchon, I will reply to your reproaches in very few words.
I certainly intended to join you, but these ladies had the extreme kindness to invite me to dine with them. Tell me now, if you had been in my place, would you not have done exactly as I did, and accepted?”
”It's very likely; but I would have sent a messenger to Gournay to set my friend's mind at rest.”
”You? you never would have thought of such a thing! And besides, there are no messengers in a village.”
”You won't have so much difficulty in finding your friend when he has lodgings here,” said Agathe.
”Ah! do you propose to hire a house here?”
”No, not a house, but a small apartment.”
”Monsieur's lungs are delicate,” said Honorine, ”and he thinks that the country air will do him good.”
”Your lungs delicate! Well! that is a good one!”
And Freluchon threw himself back in his chair, laughing uproariously, oblivious to the glances Edmond bestowed upon him.
Honorine put an end to the scene by saying to the newcomer:
”Will monsieur have something to eat?”
”Infinitely obliged, madame; but when one has eaten eleven slices of eel, one needs nothing but exercise.--But the trains--what time does the last train leave for Paris?”
”At ten o'clock.”
”In that case, it will be well for us to start.”
Edmond realized that his friend was right; he took leave of the ladies, thanking them for their hospitable welcome; while Freluchon eyed Poucette, whose robust figure aroused his admiration.
Then the two young men went to the station.
Chamoureau, who was in such utter despair when he lost his Eleonore--or who pretended to be, for genuine sorrow does not act a part and make a public display of its tears; it seeks solitude and finds solace in its memories--Chamoureau had contracted a second marriage; he had become the husband of the woman whose charms had turned his head. At last he possessed the fair Thelenie, if it is proper to say that one possesses a woman when she gives herself to one without love. In my opinion one has only the usufruct in such cases.