Volume I Part 29 (2/2)

”Well, you went to supper with those gentlemen. Was there a large party?”

”There were five men--Freluchon, Edmond Didier, and two friends of theirs; but there were only four ladies, for I didn't take one; you had refused to sup with me, and what other woman could have taken your place? There were not two like you at the ball--I would lay my life on it! And when one has had the happiness of seeing you----”

”So each of those gentlemen took his mistress?”

”His mistress, if you choose. As for me, I don't call that a mistress; if I had a mistress, I would devote all my thoughts to her, every moment of leisure that I could spare from my toilet-room--I mean my office; I am so confused, so happy with you, that I cannot think of even the most common words.”

”Pull yourself together, monsieur; really, I don't see what there is to confuse you.”

”You do not see! Ah! madame, if you would but condescend to read in the depths of my heart you would see there the flame which----”

”But the supper! was it very lively? And that flower-maker, that young Amelia, Monsieur Edmond's inamorata--is she as pretty as the portrait he drew of her?”

Chamoureau began to be conscious that the lovely brunette cut him short whenever he attempted to speak of his love for her. These interruptions annoyed him, and he put his left hand behind his back, saying to himself:

”Where in the devil did that split?”

”Well, monsieur, you don't answer. I asked you if that little Amelia seemed to you as piquant as Monsieur Edmond described her?”

”Little Amelia? who is she, madame?”

”Why, Monsieur Edmond's mistress; you know perfectly well, you told me it yourself at the ball. You are very absent-minded, aren't you, monsieur?”

”Absent-minded!--why, that is natural enough when you talk of any other person than yourself; for I think of you, of you alone.”

Thelenie made an impatient gesture and moved to the extreme end of the couch. But Chamoureau interpreted that pantomime as a proof of intense agitation on the part of the lovely brunette, who evidently feared to yield too quickly to the man who attracted her. Thereupon, determined to take advantage of that agitation, our amorous swain threw himself at the lady's feet, crying:

”Ah! madame, I can no longer restrain----”

But a cracking sound infinitely more prolonged than the former one interrupted the declaration which the agent was on the point of making.

This time there was no possible doubt as to the locality of the tear; his trousers had followed the example of his coat, and a cool breeze blowing upon a spot ordinarily covered informed him that there was danger in store.

Our widower was stricken with consternation. Thelenie roared with laughter as she looked at him on his knees; and he, fearing that the noise occasioned by the accident might be interpreted in a way even more humiliating to him than the reality, made haste to say:

”My trousers have split, madame, that's all.”

”Mon Dieu! I had no doubt of that, monsieur.”

”It's the first time I ever wore them; they have straps under the feet, and they're a little tight; that is why, when I stooped--you understand.”

”Perfectly, monsieur; pray rise.”

”I believe that the same thing has happened to the back of my coat; it's the first time I have worn that, too. It is all Freluchon's fault; he has a black coat and trousers of mine in his room, and he has gone off to Rouen without sending them back to me.”

”These are trivial annoyances not worth a thought, monsieur. Rise, I beg; what on earth induced you to throw yourself at my feet like that?

Rise, monsieur, I insist.”

Chamoureau decided to rise, putting one hand over the place where his trousers had torn. But he was covered with confusion by what had happened, and he did not know how to resume his declaration.
