Part 25 (1/2)

The robber of the dead and wounded paused and stared at him; then she a.s.sumed a whining tone, and exclaimed in her northern accent:

”Oh, good gentleman, you mistake. I am no slayer of injured men, but a comforter thereof. Will you not take a sup of good Nantz to ease you?”

”No, begone! Away. Yet stay. Where is the nearest village where I can procure food? Answer me, quickly.”

”A mile off, good gentleman; there is an auberge there. It is very good. _I_ keep it.”


”Yes, I. Yes, an excellent inn. But,” with a suspicious glance at him, ”why not go to the fort, good gentleman? The marshal is there and that king who has been ruined by his own subjects to-day.”

”I do not wish to go to the fort. I am not a soldier, but a sailor--saved from one of the transports. Direct me.”

”Ha!” she said, with a grunt. ”You are not the first. There are many like you who do not want to go to the fort. A many poltroons who are deserting from the army, now defeat has come to France. Are you deserting too, friend?”

”No. But I have nothing to do with the forts nor the army. Direct me, I say.”

”There is the road,” the hag said, pointing to the north across the sandhills. ”Follow that a mile and you will come to my house. But,”

and she came a step nearer, ”give me some money, or you will, perhaps, be followed. The others have given me some. Give me a piece, and I will be silent.”

”Away, wretch!” St. Georges said. ”If the soldiers come forth again you will flee from them, not wait a moment. I do not fear you,” and pus.h.i.+ng past her he made toward the road she had indicated, while she stood there muttering curses after him. Then she returned to her work of prowling among the dead and dying, and rifling their pockets.

He made his way among those dead and dying, most of whom were wounded French seamen who had managed to get ash.o.r.e only to fall down and expire where they fell, and a few of whom were soldiers on land who had been struck by the projectiles from the French vessels while standing gazing at the sea fight. In all, there were lying about the dunes some hundred men, who were in different states of approaching death. One thing he noticed as he went on--several wore the colours of the Picardy Regiment, which he knew well, from having once been quartered with it. Therefore, he understood why De Roquemaure had been on board the transport. They had doubtless been s.h.i.+pped ready for the projected invasion, and these wretched soldiers had been more fortunate than he in one way--they had at least escaped ash.o.r.e to die, instead of being blown to pieces in the explosions of the transports.

He made his way through the sand, stopping once or twice to endeavour to help some dying wretch whom he came across, and then going on again when he found his efforts useless; and so he came at last to what he supposed must be the auberge spoken of by the woman, a miserable wooden structure with a seat and a bench outside the door.

Two hors.e.m.e.n were drawn up in front of this, and were speaking to some stragglers standing before them, all of whom St. Georges noticed stood cap in hand. One, a tall thin man with a hatchet face, dressed in gray, was questioning them; the other, who sat his horse by his side, was an elderly man of dark, swarthy features, who was, however, deathly pale. His eye--a wandering one--lighted on St. Georges's the instant he approached the front of the inn, and turning away from his companion he addressed him in good French, which, however, St. Georges noticed had a strong accent.

”What uniform is yours, sir?” he asked. ”I do not know it. And you seem to have been in the water. Are you one of his Majesty's naval officers?”

”I am,” St. Georges replied, recognising at once the danger he was in.

”And the uniform is that of a transport officer.”

”A transport officer!” the other exclaimed, turning round suddenly at the words--”a transport officer! Have any escaped?”

”I have, at any rate,” St. Georges replied.

”You can then give us some information,” the first said. ”How many others are there who have also escaped?”

”Very few, I imagine. I myself did so only by swimming ash.o.r.e. And even then the transport was blown up ere I had quitted it very long.”

”And,” asked the second, ”have the--English--made many prisoners?”

”A great number, I should suppose.”

”G.o.d help me!” the dark, pale man exclaimed.

”Louis will do no more. This is our last chance, Melfort.”

As he spoke St. Georges knew in whose presence he was--the presence of the unhappy James. Then, because he knew also that this place was full of danger to him--some naval officers of the French fleet might by chance have got ash.o.r.e as he had done, and might also come here at any moment--he saluted James, and said he must make his way onward as fast as possible.