Volume I Part 15 (1/2)
We must observe in a general way, that the five-and-twenty guilds, or corporations of the city, formed an unrivalled pageant, the most singular and remarkable in Europe; it would occupy too much time to enter into a minute detail--however, a few we shall briefly notice.
Neptune, surrounded by his attendant tritons, dolphins, &c., sat proudly enthroned in a triumphal car. He was the presiding deity of the guild of merchants. The marine deity was followed by their corporate friend Mercury, bearing all his attributes, and stately standing in an elevated illuminated caravan, representing the clouds.
The tree of knowledge, adorned with the forbidden fruit, the serpent encompa.s.sing the bole of the tree, and supported on each side by our first parents, duly preceded the corporation of Tailors. Adam and Eve were clad in flesh-coloured garments, fitting close to the person; and, sooth to say, the fig-leaf was not forgotten by the grateful corporation!
But we must needs be brief in this general outline:--
Vulcan presided over the corporation of Smiths. He was stationed on a superb car, with his attending Cyclops, who were intently working on a mounted forge; a lovely Venus graced his side; and as the arrows came formed from the anvil, they were handed to Cupid.
Saturn, with his attributes, his scythe and serpent, and attended by Esculapius, presiding over the guild of Barbers and Surgeons, followed in a splendid car.
Ceres, seated in a triumphal chariot, drawn by four oxen, presided over the corporation of Bakers. In a caravan which followed was placed an oven, which was briskly at work; whence cakes were made, and distributed to the populace.
The guild of Carpenters were preceded by a most magnificent caravan, adorned with the various orders of architecture; in the centre of which was placed a representation of Mount Ararat, on which reposed a model of Noah's ark; thereby the corporation slyly intimating that their handicraft was as old as the deluge!
Crispin and Crispia.n.u.s, the two tutelar saints of the corporation of Shoemakers, duly personated, and attired in strict saintly costume, preceded the worthy guild.
Bacchus, ”ever fair and young,” crowned with his own ivy, bearing the Thyrsus wand in his right, and a golden goblet in his left hand, duly enthroned on a wine-cask, and mounted on a triumphal car, decorated with festoons of grapes and vine-leaves, presided over the guild of Cooks and Vintners.
Jason supporting the golden fleece, (with the s.h.i.+p Argo in the back ground of his splendid car, blazing in burnished gold,) presided over the guild of Weavers.
Iris, enveloped in her own rainbow, and borne in a car, adorned with transparent clouds, presided over the Sheermen and Dyers.
We shall only notice one guild more--the corporation of Printers, to whom we, in common with every Briton, owe such a debt of grat.i.tude. A free press has always been acknowledged, and we trust ever may continue, the _palladium_ of British liberty!
This guild, forming a magnificent and extended cavalcade, made a grand and interesting display; their ancient banners and standards borne in the van were tri-coloured, crimson, light-yellow, and blue. The first banner bore the legend, or motto, ”_Rex et Lex_;” upon the second, ”_Pro rege saepe, Pro Patria semper_;” upon the last banner was splendidly emblazoned the words, ”_Liberty of the Press_!”
A statue of Minerva, placed on a high pedestal, and mounted in a triumphal car, headed the procession. A bomb-cart followed, heavily laden, containing ammunition and stores; that is to say, not gunpowder, chain-b.a.l.l.s, and grape-shot, but more peaceful pastime, _videlicet_: cold meat, pasties, pies, confectionary, wines, &c. Next advanced four fine palfreys, covered with richly embroidered field-clothes, each led by a groom in splendid livery. Then came on a brother of the corporation, who personated Vulcan; he was arrayed in a n.o.ble suit of armour, which had belonged to king Charles the First; it was the gift of the late Colonel Joshua Paul, a free-brother of the guild, to the corporation. Vulcan rode on horseback, the housings, trappings, and horse-furniture, were decorated with appropriate emblems; he bore an immense sledge-hammer of richly polished steel, the handle curiously ornamented with fanciful Arabesque ornaments, inlaid in gold and silver.
Next in succession advanced a triumphal car, or caravan, drawn by six beautiful black steeds, covered with handsome nets, the coachman and postillion in rich splendid liveries. Within the carriage was exhibited a handsome printing-press, with two pressmen and a compositor at work. A hackney author was occupied in writing for and correcting the press. A printer's devil was busily at work; and a painter engaged at his eazle, all in meet and proper costume. The printing-press was richly and appropriately ornamented: in the front stood a figure of Mercury holding a poem, copies of which were struck off, and distributed among the spectators; it was in praise of the n.o.ble art of printing, in which honourable mention was made of the founders and benefactors of this glorious invention. Nor were the following distinguished worthies forgotten:--Wynkin de Worde, Caxton, Pynson, Kerver, Simon Vostre, Theodore Martin, Jean Pet.i.t, Plantin, the two Elzivers, &c. The printer's devil published impressions of the poem among the congregated mult.i.tude.
The masters and wardens of the guild, splendidly arrayed in appropriate costume, attended by kettle-drums mounted on horseback, the performers dressed in Turkish habits, and attended by grooms in Tartar habits, who led the horses, that were most splendidly caparisoned, next came on.
They were followed by persons on foot bearing long silver maces; at intervals they obtained copies from the press of verses laudatory of King James, which were distributed among the people. Four copies were struck off on white satin, and sent into the castle to be presented to King James; the verses were by Waller and Lord Lansdowne; at receiving of which King James seemed most highly gratified. They were as follows:--
”Bred in the camp, fam'd for his valour young; At sea successful, vigorous, and strong; His fleet, his army, and his mighty mind, Esteem and rev'rence thro' the world do find.”[46]
”Tho' trained in arms, and learned in martial arts, Thou choosest not to conquer men but hearts; Expecting nations for thy triumphs wait, But thou prefer'st the name of just to great.”[47]
[46] Extract from lines presented to His Majesty King James the Second, upon his birth-day, by _Edmund Waller_.
[47] From _Lord Lansdowne_ to King James II.
Having perused these lines, King James most sweetly smiled, and with his accustomed gracious condescension, gracefully approached the centre window of the presence-chamber; he condescendingly looked down, and most courteously bowed to the corporation of Printers, his face illumined with a smile peculiar to himself, and in a most king-like att.i.tude he gracefully waved his hand. Then addressing the Duke of Tyrconnel, who, with the other n.o.bles of the household, surrounded His Majesty, the king was pleased to say, ”I perceive your Grace's countrymen are _tam Marti, quam Mercurio_--they are courteous as they are brave.” The Duke lowly and respectfully bowed his acquiescence to the observation.
The proud pageant having closed, all the troops a.s.sembled presented arms, lowered their banners; while drum, trumpet, and kettle-drum struck up the anthem of ”G.o.d save the King!”
The Duke of Tyrconnel fully explained to the king the name, description, and detail of each guild as it made its entrance and exit. The duke had taken some pains to prepare himself to be the royal _Cicerone_ of the day; and, in sooth, as King James remarked to him, like my Lord Hamlet, he was ”as good as a chorus.”
The number of saddle, led, and draft-horses, produced in this splendid pageant were the best bred and most beautiful horses in the kingdom, being selected, by the courtesy and permission of the n.o.ble proprietors, from the most valuable studs the country then could boast of. The richness of the horse furniture, housings, trappings, harness, &c., quite surpa.s.ses description. Never were present upon any former occasion so many foreigners of distinction; and exclusive of those immediately attendant upon the king, the n.o.bility and gentry crowded to Dublin, as did the n.o.blesse of foreign realms, to witness, whenever it occurred, this magnificent spectacle, which could not be equalled in any other part of Europe.