Volume I Part 9 (1/2)

This ponderous machine could be advanced or drawn back (like the head of a modern barouche or landau) by the occupant _ad libitum_, according as wind or weather permitted, or caprice might dictate. Likewise, with equal facility, the head of the wearer might be wholly divested of this inc.u.mbrance, which, in such a case, was handed over to the custody of the attending lackey.

The reader will please to observe, that this head costume was prevalent before the modern umbrella, or still more recent parasol came into general use; and indeed, in some degree, so far as the covering of the head was taken into calculation, this invention, strange though it may at the present time appear, so far fully answered the functions and intentions of these later discoveries of modern art. The lady wore a large silk cloak, trimmed and flounced with ermine; she also carried a m.u.f.f, small in size and calibre, formed of the same materials. To these were added, as the _materiale_ of her dress, a stiff flowered silk mantua, supported upon a bell-hoop; an ap.r.o.n trimmed with lace; high heeled shoes formed likewise a part of the dress, with the dangerous appanage of pattens, long since exploded in these parts.

Such was the strange costume which formed the morning or peripatetic habiliments of Mrs. Rocket. This lady also carried a walking-staff, or cane; by this we do not, in any measure, mean to a.s.similate it to the most formidable and terrific walking-staff once borne by the bluff king Harry of tyrannic memory, and now exhibited in the tower of London with sundry other curiosities that belong not to our province to enumerate.

No, gentle reader, the simple staff which the lady bore was of a most placable description; it was, in sooth, a tall tapering indian cane, and adorned on the top with a head of beautiful china porcelain, upon which, in rich and brilliant colouring, were depicted some of the most beautiful wild flowers of summer. And through every change of weather, hail or snow, storm, rain, or sun-s.h.i.+ne, was to be seen this indefatigable pedestrian trudging her daily peregrinations. Often, when remonstrated with for thus running the risk of catching cold, and so forth, when in good humour, which was _not always_ the case, she was wont to hum or troll forth an old ditty, one stave of which ran pretty much to the following effect and tenor:--

Why at home should I budge, Not abroad freely trudge, My bairns and I altogether?

While my skin I don't grudge, So be heav'n my judge!

To melt or to freeze with the weather.

Very often her temper was extremely cross, which she vented in scolding the servants right and left, wrong or right; and Sunday being a day of rest, was very often selected, with due circ.u.mspection, for this wholesome exercise of her lungs. An auld Scottish steward, who superintended the agricultural establishment, upon having auricular proof how matters stood within the mansion, slily remarked: ”Ah, wae to the hoose where hens craw, and the c.o.c.ks are silent!”

Madam Rocket had the reputation all throughout her husband's diocese of being truly a most notable lady in every sublunary concern. She was const.i.tuted as sole manageress of the entire home department at the See-house of----; and it was there bruited abroad and around the country far and near, that the ”_omnia Romae c.u.m pretio_” of Juvenal, might be fairly applied to Madam Rocket's establishment; but it was insisted that the ”_cito peritura_” did by no means belong to the lady.

However, rumour went on, with its gossip tongue, to whisper that at the See-house of----every thing was vendible, from the produce of the farm, the barn, the poultry-yard, the piggery, the dairy, the fruit and flower garden--nay, even down to the kitchen garden; every article of which was duly trans.m.u.ted, as was insisted, into the _Regina Pecunia_.

The Bishop and his lady, albeit they were no favourites with the Duke and d.u.c.h.ess, were nevertheless most hospitably invited, and even pressed, according to the custom of the times, to remain to dinner, and also to continue their guests for some days at Laetely Abbey. But this was upon their part most gratefully declined. The Bishop and Mrs. Rocket partook of a collation, and departed for Dublin, declining the warm and hospitable invitation upon plea of business in the capital, and to rejoin their family, who had been with them at Arklow for the benefit of sea-bathing, and who had that morning proceeded on their way to the metropolis.

During the residence of the vice-regal visitors in the county of Wicklow, they visited all the romantic scenery and the various picturesque views, each lofty mountain, retired valley, and secluded stream or glen, within the precincts of that fairy region.

The lake of Luggelaw made a deep impression upon the Lady Adelaide. She thus expressed her feelings upon viewing it: ”It was,” she said, ”a scene so sad, so lonely, and solitary; so wild, so rude, and mountain-locked, that one here might almost imagine that they saw one of the secluded pilgrims of Salvator Rosa studiously wrapt in silent devotion, intent on the sacred volume which he held, and praying to his Creator; the wilderness his temple, and his choir the roaring cataract and the accompanying winds of heaven!”

”Vastly well, Adelaide,” said the Duke, smiling with pleasure, ”vastly well, indeed; and now, my love, to complete your sketch, people these craggy heights above us with three or four banditti; put helmets upon their heads and lances in their firm hands; then on a sudden our whole party, spurring onward our jaded steeds, are to fly from the attack; add to this too to your sketch, and I really think it will be then a finished _tableaux_, and quite in the due and terrific tone and style of this great poetic painter.”

Adelaide sweetly smiled, but replied not.

They next visited Glendalough, or the Seven Churches, and the ”sweet Vale of Ovoca.” Ascending the high hill of Knockmokil, Adelaide, in impromptu, repeated the following lines:--

Romantic spirit of this mountain glen Tell the blest time we may here meet again!

Wilt thou to distant Aughnavanock stray, Or wend, 'mid Lara's wilds, thy lonely way?

Or here ascend Knockmokil's lofty height, Where vales transcendant burst upon the sight; Sea, grove, and forest, rivers, all combine Their matchless charms, to stamp the spot divine?

They next visited Loch Dan, the Demon's Glen and Waterfall, the Waterfall of Powerscourt, &c. &c.

Lady Adelaide derived the greatest benefit from sea-bathing, and her health became completely re-established, which one day called forth the following eulogium from Sir Patricius Placebo; while engaged in conversation with the d.u.c.h.ess, he observed, ”Oh, my Lady, how truly lovely the Lady Adelaide looks in renovated health and beauty! Each day still adds to her charms; and, in verity, I should be fully justified to speak of her in the words of the historic worthy, old t.i.tus Livius, (whose name, by the bye, the ridiculous French sink down into _t.i.t Live_--just, my Lady, as if they were speaking of the little bird called Tom t.i.t!) his words are these: '_Adulta virgo; adeo eximia, forma, ut qacunque incedebat converteret omnium oculos_'--'An adult virgin of such exquisite form, that wherever her steps were turned, thither with delight the looks of all beholders were directed.'”

The d.u.c.h.ess duly curtsied, and thanked the Baronet for the cla.s.sical compliment which he had paid; and said, ”that inasmuch as she was mother to the object of his praise, she confessed that withal she was indeed too partial to her beloved daughter to gainsay the polite eulogium of Sir Patricius.”

The Duke and d.u.c.h.ess determined to remain during each year for some months at their delightful retreat amid the romantic beauties of the county of Wicklow; this residence only to be interrupted by the occasional absence of the Duke to hold a levee or a privy council at Dublin Castle; the routine of state dinners, or when her Grace presided at drawing-rooms, b.a.l.l.s, &c. or in occasionally going in state to the theatre royal, &c. &c. The autumnal months were pa.s.sed at Tyrconnel Castle, but the winter invariably was spent at Dublin Castle.

Thus days and months pa.s.sed over, marked only in the calendar by health, tranquillity, and social pleasure, without the occurrence of any event of importance sufficient to be recorded here. Two years at this point of time had pa.s.sed over in peaceful serenity, Lady Adelaide daily improving in the expansion of her mental powers, and in gradual increase of personal beauty. The Duke, who had been long absent from Tyrconnel Castle, proposed to pa.s.s the ensuing summer and autumn at that lordly residence, and with all due pomp and solemnity there to celebrate Adelaide's birth-day, who would at that time enter into her seventeenth year; and from thence, these high ceremonials completed, his Grace proposed to proceed to Dublin, to open the biennial session of parliament: and preparations were immediately set on foot to carry these intentions into effect.

During the absence of the n.o.ble proprietor Tyrconnel Castle had undergone a thorough repair, and many judicious alterations and improvements had taken place in the internal decoration of the castle, as well as in the external adornment of the lawns, parks, and gardens of this princely abode. Pursuant to their determination, their Graces set out accordingly, upon a fine summer morning, on their journey to their ancient castle; and the s.p.a.ce of a week having been occupied in travelling, the entire family of the Duke safely arrived at their destination.

Adelaide was peculiarly delighted once more to behold the scenes of her infancy, which to every feeling mind have indelible charms; and the morning after her arrival at Tyrconnel she ascended the ramparts of the castle, to review the surrounding prospect, so dear to her recollection.

It was a serene summer morning. Our readers perchance may recollect the scenery which surrounds the castle of Tyrconnel, the lofty mountains of Slieve-Doon, and the great gap or pa.s.s to the mountains, called Barna-More, all of which we have endeavoured to describe in the second chapter of this work. Adelaide's mind was fully in unison with the serenity of the morning, and being deeply impressed with the poetic impulse, she produced her tablets, and poured forth her tribute to the _Genius Loci_, in the following


Roll onward, fierce torrent! roll on to the main!