Part 7 (1/2)
There seemed no way of bringing about either result in the absence or silence of witnesses. But, meantime, he had bitterly resented the apparent readiness of certain of the officials to look upon him with suspicion, and had withdrawn from all except most formal and distant a.s.sociation. No wonder he desired to be relieved from further service with or near them. Mrs. Nevins had insisted on removing to a cheap lodging in Sacramento as soon as able to move at all, and had taken her dependent sister with her, sorely against that young woman's wish, as she had made an impression, a decided impression upon an unmarried aide-de-camp who was reported to be wealthy, but whose attentions fell short of the matrimonial point, as the poverty of the sisters became revealed to him. There was, therefore, no longer to Loring the possible embarra.s.sment of meeting or seeing the girl who had so wronged him, yet there was constant evidence of the seeds that she had sown. Some man, he felt sure, must have kept alive the rumors to his discredit, and the extreme constraint of manner, the avoidance, shown by this very gentleman, stamped him as in all probability the person at fault. Loring was only waiting now for proofs.
It so happened the very day the stanch old salt came searching through the building in quest of his friend that the General with two aides and others of the staff, had a.s.sembled in the office of Colonel Strain.
Several of them had known and sailed with the Idaho's master and liked her captain well, despite his frequent flings at soldiers. His appearance at the doorway, therefore, was the signal for quite a cordial welcome. The General himself came forward to take him by the hand and say how sorry he was at the loss of his s.h.i.+p, and how he hoped soon to see him on the decks of a bigger and better one. But the bluff captain thought as little of land generals as of lubbers of lower grade, and was not as grateful as he should perhaps have been, and was evidently looking for somebody beyond the sympathetic group, and presently said so.
”I've come to see Mr. Loring, by George! I haven't laid eyes on him since the night he backed me up in restoring order and discipline on my s.h.i.+p. That man ought to have been a sailor! Where'll I find him?” he concluded abruptly, staring round at the circle of somewhat embarra.s.sed faces.
”We heard some rumor about this, captain,” said the General. ”Suppose you come into my office and tell me the whole story?”
”Why not right here where they can all hear?” was the instant answer.
”I'm told that more'n one man has been at work trying to rob him of the credit, and as for Mr. Jennings, who was our first officer, I gave the company a piece of my mind the moment I heard it, and I've got a tongue-las.h.i.+ng in store for him. 'Taint the first I've had to give him, either, and it won't be the last if he ever runs foul of me again. They tell me, what's more, that Escalante's agent has had the impudence to come here a dozen times threatening Mr. Loring. Next time he comes you have him kicked out and charge it to me. That man's a thief, and so is one of the Escalantes--if not more than one. As for Loring, he's head and shoulders above any of the young fellows that have sailed with me, and when I was flattened out by the rush of that cowardly gang, he stood up to 'em like a man. That one shot of his brought 'em up with a jerk and put an end to the trouble.”
He broke off short and glanced about him to note the effect of his words. It was an awkward moment. Three of the group had had their doubts as to the possibility of Loring's being culpable, but so disturbed and partially convinced had been the General and his chief-of-staff, so active had been the aide-de-camp referred to in his collection and dissemination of scandal at Loring's expense that no one felt able to say anything until the General himself had spoken. The Chief evidently felt his dignity a.s.sailed, and his commanding att.i.tude imperiled. No further revelations ought to be allowed except such as should be filtered through him or his accredited staff officer.
”Come into my den, captain,” he exclaimed, therefore. ”You interest me greatly, and I want to hear all about it.”
”I'll come quick enough,” said the captain briefly, ”after I've seen Loring. I want to shake hands with him, I say, before I do anything else. Where'll I find him?” And with most depressing disregard of the General's greatness, the sailor would have turned his back on the entire party in order to find his injured friend, but the Chief was a strategist.
”Ah--go to Mr. Loring, captain,” said he, to a ready staff officer, ”and say to him that I desire he should come to my room a moment.” And the aide-de-camp was off like a shot, so the seaman could only wait. The General led the way into his comfortable room and signaled to one or two to follow, and presently back came his messenger, and a moment after him, grave, composed, but freezingly formal, there at the door stood the Engineer. His eyes brightened up the instant he laid them on the Idaho's st.u.r.dy commander, but etiquette demanded that he should first address the General.
”You sent for me, sir?”
”I did, Mr. Loring. Our good friend, Captain Moreland, has been telling us of your most--er--praiseworthy conduct the night of the disaster. We all, I wish to a.s.sure you, are--er--gratified to hear of this. And now it has occurred to me that Captain Moreland might be able to throw some light on the very--unpleasant matter which we had to bring to your attention a few weeks since. Surely he must know something of these--er--people who were your accusers.”
The General was seated at his big desk. He was flanked by the adjutant-general and backed by a brace of aides. Moreland, the mariner, was standing at the table and started forward as Loring entered as though to grasp his hand. The General still considered it essential to observe a certain air of formality in speaking. It was as though he had begun to believe Loring an injured man, and therefore he himself must be an aggrieved one, for surely the lieutenant should have spared the General the mortification of being placed in the wrong.
But to this tentative remark Mr. Loring made no reply. He stood calmly before the department commander, looked straight into his face, but did not open his lips.
”I say,” repeated the General, in louder tone, ”the captain appears to know and may be able to tell us something about the people who were your accusers.”
”Possibly, sir,” said Loring, finding that he was expected to say something, but with an indifference of manner most culpable in one so far inferior in rank.
”I was in hopes, Mr. Loring,” said the General, evidently nettled, ”that you would appreciate the evident desire of myself and my confidential officers to see you relieved of these--er--aspersions. For that reason I urged Captain Moreland to make his statement public.”
And still looking straight at the department commander, whose florid face was turning purple, Loring was silent. Perhaps after a month of accusation, real or implied, on part of the General and the ”confidential officers,” he found it difficult to account for the sudden manifestation of desire to acquit. He was thinking, too, of a tear-stained little letter that had come to him only a few days earlier--the last from Pancha, before the child was formally entered at the school of the good gray sisters. He was wondering if she at sixteen were really more alone in her little world than he in the broad and liberal sphere of soldier life. Then the sight of Moreland's weather-beaten face, perturbed and aggrieved, gave him a sense of sympathy that through all the weeks of his virtual ostracism had been lacking. He had other letters, too, worth far more than a dollar apiece, which was what their carriage cost him, bidding him have no fear, doc.u.ments of weight were coming that would teach the authorities of the Pacific coast the error of their views and ways, but of these he did not care to speak. He chose to await the coming of the doc.u.ments themselves. The silence, however, was oppressive, and the sailor spoke.
”If the only accusers this gentleman has are Escalantes, or a.s.sociates of the Escalantes, you'd better beg his pardon and have done with it,”
said he, ”and thereby put the matter in its most luckless way.”
Angrily the General turned to the aide-de-camp fidgeting on his left.
”Do you know whether the Escalantes are the sole accusers, captain?”
said he deliberately.
”I regret to say that they are not,” was the answer. ”And Mr. Loring has shown strange reluctance, to put it mildly, to meet the--others.”
”I have answered, once and for all, every charge brought to my ears,”
said Loring, turning on the speaker, with eyes that blazed, and Moreland, who had seen him cool and composed in the face of panic, marveled now to note the intensity of his emotion, for Loring was white and trembling, though his gaze was steady as the hand that held back the terror-stricken crew that wild night on the waters.