Part 59 (2/2)
Lee's answer came with clean-cut emphasis.
”The law which protects Slavery is going to be repealed in G.o.d's own time. I am, myself, working toward that end as well as you, sir, and the end is sure. But at this moment the Const.i.tution of the United States to which we owe liberty, justice, order, progress, wealth and power, guarantees this inst.i.tution. Until its repeal it is my duty and it is your duty to obey the law. Will you submit?”
Brown's answer came like the crack of a rifle.
”The laws of the United States I have burned in a public square, sir.
The Const.i.tution is a covenant with Death, an agreement with h.e.l.l. I loathe it. I despise it. I spit upon it--”
Lee lifted his hand in gesture of command.
”That will do, sir!”
He faced Stuart with quick decision.
”Take him back to his men and give the signal of a.s.sault.”
Stuart turned to Green.
”I'll wave my cap.”
Stuart led Brown through the gate to the Engine House.
Lee summoned Green.
”Your troops are raw men, I understand.”
”They have never been under fire, sir. But they're soldiers--never fear.”
”All right. We'll put them to the test. a.s.sault and take the Engine House without firing a shot. No matter how severe the fire on you, we must protect our citizens held inside. Use the bayonet only. Give each of your twelve men careful instructions. When fired on, they must not return that fire!”
Green saluted and pa.s.sed to the head of his detail of twelve men. A shout from the boys in the tree tops was the signal of Stuart's return.
”Watch that crowd,” Lee ordered the sentinel. ”Use the reserves to hold them out of range.”
Stuart returned with his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.
”Ready, sir!”
”Give your signal.”
Stuart stepped into the open, and waved his cap.
Green's detail of twelve men, the commander at their head, rushed to the Engine House with a shout. The crowd of two thousand people answered with a roar.