Part 54 (1/2)

”Any signs of the Abolitionists on the hills at dawn?”

”A shot from a sniper on the Maryland side nipped one of the guards--”

”Then their headquarters and the reserves are back in those hills.”

”I'm sure of it. I've sent a squad to get the sniper.”

”All right, it's daylight. Keep your marines away from the a.r.s.enal gate.

It's barely fifty yards to the Engine House. We've got the Abolitionists penned inside. But they're good shots.”

”I've warned them, sir.”

”No fighting now until Colonel Lee takes command. His train has just pulled in.”

”Why the devil didn't he come with us?” Green asked suddenly.

”Called to the White House for a conference with President Buchanan, in such haste that he couldn't stop to put on his uniform. The Capital's agog over this affair. The wildest rumors are afloat.”

”Nothing to the rumors afloat here among these militiamen and dazed citizens.”

”Colonel Lee will straighten them out in short order--”

Stuart suddenly stiffened to attention as he saw the soldierly figure of the Colonel approaching from the station with quick, firm step. Over his civilian suit he had hastily thrown an army overcoat and looked what he was, the bronzed veteran commander of the Texas plains.

He saluted the two young officers and quickly turned to his aide.

”No sign of a slave uprising, of course?”

”The invaders did their best to bring it on. They've taken about fifty negroes from their masters.”

”Armed them?”

”With pikes and rifles.”

”The invaders have robbed houses as reported?”

”Taken everything they could get their hands on. They forced their way into Colonel Was.h.i.+ngton's home, dragged him from bed, stole his watch, silver, wagons, horses, saddles and harness. They hold him a prisoner with four of his slaves.”

”Colonel Was.h.i.+ngton is now their prisoner?”

”With others they are holding as hostages.”


”They swear to murder them all at the first sign of an attack.”

”They won't!” he answered sharply.

”I think they will, sir. They shot an unarmed negro porter at the depot and murdered the Mayor to-day as he was pa.s.sing through the streets.

They are expecting reinforcements at any minute.”